Sexy Star

A place to share clips when wrestling shows didn't shy away from a good public spanking
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Sexy Star

Post by nao7 »

As i promised, here's the next wrestler we''l be taking a look into: the mexican Sexy Star! Yes, that's really her ring name, and she's always willing to prove that she's worthy of it!


Wait, not that one, this one:


So, to give a quick summary: The woman in the second pic is the OG Sexy Star, but a few years back, she went nuts and intentionally injured an opponent during a match. Her reputation was in the dirt, so she was forced into abandoning the gimmick and taking a break from wrestling. She returned about a year ago, maskless and under the name Sexy Dulce. Meanwhile, another woman took on the Sexy Star gimmick, and from what i've seen, people actually like the new one a lot more, both looks and wrestling ability wise. Sadly unlike the OG i don't know of her ever getting a spanking, though people sure love giving her wedgies and one-smackers.
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Anyway, back to the OG, she also hasn't been the target of a lot of spankings, but it did happen a few times. This one has a really dumb setup, Sexy is facing Emma Huevo, who isn't even a wrestler, she's like a talk show host or something like that, who's famous for having a big butt (not to diminish her work, but i just searched her name on YT and every video has her dumptruck as the thumbnail). On top of that, they're fighting in a kiddie pool for some reason? Does anyone find kiddie pools hot? That's weird. Predictably, Sexy completely dominates the non-wrestler, even giving her an OTK spanking once.
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After the spanking, Sexy starts showboating to the crowd, allowing Emma to trip her and land a spanking of her own, sadly not OTK, but a nice view nevertheless.
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After that, some guys interfere, and i think Emma wins by DQ? I don't think a ton of thought was put into this match, but asses got slapped, what else can you ask for?

Video here, Emma gets spanked at 5:40 and Sexy at 5:55
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Re: Sexy Star

Post by nao7 »

Also a little bonus: Dulce, the former OG Sexy, was recently in a tag team match, which ended with her and her partner being pinned at the same time. But the guy who pinned her, the mini wrestler Mascarita Sagrada, not only did so in a pretty humiliating way, but also kept her trapped for way longer than necessary, and sneaked in a smack before letting her go. Her female opponent also sneaked in a quick "spanking" if you can call it that.
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Video here, at 16:50
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Re: Sexy Star

Post by nao7 »

This match doesn't have any spankings on it, so i was going to post it along with the next one as a bonus, but i'll have to make it its own post due to the screenshot limit. In a tag team match, El Elegido is facing El Apache, but the later's partner Sexy Star decides to interfere. Elegido is able to fight both of them off, but only Apache retreats from the ring, leaving Sexy alone with the opponent. Elegido takes advantage of that, as he bends Sexy Star over and plants a firm slap on what got her that name. She then retreats from the ring and has her partner rub her sore behind for her, sadly i couldn't get a good screenshot of that.
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Sexy and Apache then dominate the match for a bit, with Sexy hitting a stinkface on Elegido at one point. Unlike with that Taya match, this isn't really revenge, it's just a move she does all the time, and that i really wish the current Sexy Star did too.
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Elegido is eventually able to get the advantage back by dodging a charging Sexy Star, causing her to get stuck in the top rope, and then making Apache accidentally slap her ass.
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Believe it or not, this is actually an extremely common spot in AAA matches, maybe i could do a compilation of that someday. Here's a pic of La Hiedra (who i'll definitely make a thread for later) being a victim of it.


Sadly that was the last butt-based spot of the match, it drags on for a bit more until Elegido's partner, Faby Apache, submits Sexy with an armbar. Here's the vid, smacks happen at 8:20 and 10:45

I've posted about this match mostly because the next match will also involve El Elegido, and i just like the concept of this him humiliating Sexy every time they face off.
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Re: Sexy Star

Post by nao7 »

Time for the last match here, as i said in the previous post, this also includes El Elegido, and actually also Faby Apache, just replace El Apache with Decnnis. This one is from a few year before the last one, so sadly the video quality suffers a bit but it's good enough.

As the match starts, Elegido outwrestles Decnnis, making him leave the ring. Sexy then gets in and tries to do what her partner couldn't, but fails even harder, as Elegido dodges her slap, puts her in a headlock and punishes her for her bad behavior!
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After the spanking, her team's tiny manager helps her alleviate the pain, and at first she welcomes it, but when she realizes what's going on she pushes him off. The manager then charges at Elegido, but the big guy hits him with a backbreaker, then turns him over and gives him an OTK spanking!
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Sexy and Decnnis eventually start dominating (AAA tag matches are extremely formulaic, if you haven't noticed), sadly no stinkface this time. While Elegido is being isolated by both opponents inside the ring, Faby drags Decnnis to the outside, allowing Elegido to fight back by giving Sexy the same treatment he gave to the little guy at the start: a backbreaker followed by an OTK spanking!
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Oddly though, Sexy doesn't sell her butt after this one, at least not before the camera cuts away, big shame, her selling of the first spanking was amazing. If you're curious, the match ends with Decnnis pinning Elegido after he got headbutted in the dick by the manager. Video here, spankings at 5:10 and 10:20

Sadly this is the last spanking of Sexy Star that i know of, and it'll be a good while until the next thread, in the mean time, here's a little preview of what will be in it:


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Re: Sexy Star

Post by bazoooka11 »

Hey man, what's your contact information? or if you can dm please
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