Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

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Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by Chross »

Story by spankdude7

I Moving In

Michelle walked into the Royal Green Apartment Building with her backpack and suitcase, eager to get to her new home. The 22 year old had been looking in the classified ads for an apartment looking for a new roommate: Jane, the 47 year old woman living in Apartment B5, had put up a nice, large living space in the papers for a reasonable price which caught Michelle's eye. After a few e-mails were exchanged, Michelle and Jane agreed to be roommates: the former needed a place to live while she worked on her journalism career, and the latter needed a roommate to help pay rent.
She walked up to the front desk and asked the clerk,
"Hi. How do I get to Apartment B5?"
"Apartment B5? You mean Jane Govern's room?"
"Yeah, I'm Michelle Emure, her new roommate."
"Roommate? You?"
"Yes. Why, is that a problem?"
"No no no not at all. Uh, it's on the second floor. Elevator's over there," he said, pointing to the elevator across from the desk. Michelle smiled, thanked him, and walked towards the elevator. The clerk stared at Michelle's poor, unexpecting ass in the black shorts she wore, thinking, "that girl has no idea what she's in for..."
Michelle got to Apartment B5 and knocked. The door opened, and there was Jane, her new roommate. Dressed in black with her black hair up in a bun, the tall woman seemed a little frightening to the shorter, skinny brunette . She extended her hand,
"Michelle Emure? Jane Govern. Welcome to your new home." Michelle shook the hand, smiled, and said,
"Glad to be here," walking in. The apartment was somewhat large - there was a large living room area connecting to a kitchen. Off to the left were the bathroom and two separate bedrooms.
"You can go unpack and settle in before we go over the details," Jane said. "Your room is on the left. I hope you like it." Michelle walked into the large room, which was empty minus a bed, a mirror, and a dresser. She took off her shoes, put her bookbag on the floor, and put her suitcase on the bed. Slowly, she unpacked, putting her clothes in drawers of the dresser and putting her accessories around the room.
After around an hour's time, she came out of her room to find Jane watching television on the couch. Seeing the new girl walk out, Jane got up, turned off the television, and stepped over to the kitchen table. Michelle followed and was presented with a 4 page contract and a pen.
"Here is the contract. It outlines all the living conditions and rules for living here. As I pay 60% of the rent and have lived here longer, I have a few conditions for you to live by. Nothing major, and I'm lenient. Just some precautionary matters. Please read it thoroughly and carefully before signing." With that, Jane walked into her room and shut the door.
Michelle began reading through the contract's rules: they were mostly standard stuff, such as cleaning up after one's self, doing your own laundry, and having the rent on time. These things bored Michelle as she considered them pretty much common sense, so she began skimming through the notes and rules, and at one point, skipped a few entirely without reading.
"I'll just be a good and nice roommate. That should be enough," she thought. She read the last rule: "never leave the door unlocked at night." Simple, easy, common sense. At the bottom in bold text was the line: "As the new roommate, I shall obey these rules and regulations set by Ms. Govern exactly as written for the next 3 years according to the rent agreement. Failure to do so WILL result in expulsion from the apartment." Below that was a line with an 'X' next to it - Michelle signed her name and wrote the date - 7/8/13.
"I've finished!" Michelle called. Jane exited her room shortly afterwards, taking the contract.
"You've read and understood the contract?" Jane asked.
"Yes m'am."
"I'm glad you understand and respect the contract. And please, call me Jane."
That night, the two had pizza for dinner while Michelle spoke about her life and hopes for the future with Jane. After dinner was finished, Michelle was about to head to her room.
"Goodnight, Jane," she said. In a stern, seemingly unsympathetic tone, Jane responded,
"You left your dishes in the sink."
"Oh, I know. I'll wash them tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? You should know, as the contract stated, that you must wash your dishes after dinner. NOT tomorrow. It'll cause a clutter."
"Well, what's the big deal? They're not bothering anyone. I'm too tired, I'll get them tomorrow."
"Michelle, please do not argue with me. Go wash the dishes NOW."
"Uh, controlling much?" Michelle asked snarkily. Jane sighed, disappointed.
"I didn't think it would have to be this soon..." she trailed off as she walked over to the couch and sat down. "Come here, Michelle." Michelle, somewhat confused, walked over. "You know what to do in case of punishment. Bare your bottom."
"Excuse me?"
"You read in the contract what happens if you do not follow the rules - you get punished."
"Wait, what?" Jane pulled the contract up from off the coffee table, opened it to the third page, and pointed to one of the rules: in-between "You need to let me know ahead if people are coming over." and "No smoking in the apartment." was "If you misbehave or break any of the rules, you are subject to punishment by me, which will be a bare-bottom spanking." Michelle read it in horror and some disgust - she missed that part.
"You read it," Jane began, then flipping to Michelle's signature on the bottom of page 4, "And signed it. You know the rules for living here. Now let's get started."
"What? No. I... I didn't think that was real, I thought that was a joke!"
"No, not a joke. Everything in that contract was serious. As you now live here with me and I pay the bigger half of the rent, you are contractually obligated to my rules. Thus, contractually obligated to receive spankings when I feel necessary."
"What?! You're insane. I'm not taking a spanking from you. I'm in my twenties, I'm not a child."
"With the way you're behaving by not washing your dishes, you're certainly acting like one."
"No. This is ridiculous. You will not be spanking me. I'm a grown woman."
"Alrighty then. Then you shall not be living here. Please pack up your items and go. Be out of here in 20 minutes."
"As the contract that you AGREED to AND signed reads, if you refuse to obey the rules, you will be kicked out. Now go."
"What?? No, I can't go! I moved from another city to be here! I have nowhere to go!"
"That is not my problem, Michelle. You refuse to follow the ru-"
"I'll follow the rules, fine!"
"The rules involve getting spanked, it's clear as day in the contract."
"Fine! I get it! I'll take it... if I have to."
"Which you do." Jane placed the contract back on the table. "Now, as we were. Bare your bottom."
"Bare? Like..."
"Like pull down your shorts and your underwear."
"But... can't it just be on my shorts?"
"No." With that, Jane leaned forward and began tugging Michelle's shorts down. Michelle quickly grabbed at them, jumping back a little. "If you won't take them down, I will," Jane said sternly. Michelle hesitated before slowly lowering her black shorts to her knees. Jane patted her lap. Michelle slowly bent over the woman's lap, climbing all the way on to the couch in the process. She positioned her blue-panty-covered ass right into Jane's lap.
Jane took to the waistband of the back of Michelle's panties, commenting, "These need to come down," and slowly started pulling them down. Michelle lifted herself up a little so the panties came down all the way towards her knees. The poor girl sat in extreme embarrassment as this woman - this stranger - , who Michelle had only met today, now had the girl's bare ass in her lap.
Jane gave Michelle's ass a bit of a rub before beginning the spanking. She did a rapid-fire session of fast slaps between the two cheeks. Michelle first took it in silence before she slowly started groaning loudly. The spanker gave the spankee a very hard slap on the left cheek, causing her to scream and kick out her leg.
"Well, you should have thought of this before you chose not to wash your dishes." Jane then resumed the spanking quite hard, as Michelle moaned, wiggled, and actually began screaming out her "OWS! AHS!"
Meanwhile, in Apartment B4, a couple was laying snug in bed when they heard the familiar noise of skin being slapped and a girl screaming. The husband sighed,
"Jane's got a new roommate..." The wife muttered,
"That's the 5th roommate in 3 months. If she spanks each one, no wonder they're all gonna leave..." The couple then put their heads under their respective pillows to drown out the sounds of Michelle getting spanked.
After 5-6 minutes of continuous SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!, Michelle's white bottom began to glow red. Jane finally stopped as Michelle began catching her breath.
"Are you learning something?" Jane asked with another smack.
"AH! Yes!"
"What've you learned?"
"To wash my dishes!"
"And... to follow the rules?!"
"Good. I don't want to have to spank you, but I will if you don't follow the rules. I had a roommate about a year ago around your age who wanted to break all my rules and not treat me with respect. She got spanked every day for 2 weeks until she left. Sometimes her spankings lasted upwards of 2 hours. The bottom line is - if you don't want to follow the rules, it will hurt. Understand?" Another smack with the question. Michelle clenched her fist in anger.
"Ow! Yes!"
"Good. Now, as this is your first spanking, but probably not your last, I don't want to go too hard. I know this is new to you. I contemplated using my hairbrush or a belt," (the mere uttering of these words made Michelle flinch and have goosebumps in supreme fright) "but I decided that you should just get my hand for right now. But be forewarned that I do have other instruments for punishment, and if you break my rules enough, you WILL experience them. Understand?" Another question followed by, this time, two spanks, one for each cheek. Michelle screamed in pain.
"Now. I don't want to go TOO hard, but I want to make an impression. If you haven't been keeping count, I've given you 400 spanks. I think 1000 is a good round number, don't you?"
"1000?! No! It hurts! I've learned my lesson!"
"No, I don't think so. I decide when your punishment is over, NOT you. I think we'll go for 1000 tonight. Just so you learn what happens if a rule is broken. Are you ready?"
"Well, that's too bad." With that, Jane began spanking again. Rapidly firing across both cheeks, the older woman spanked quite hard. Michelle began wiggling and yelping as her bare bottom took the beating. After 2-3 minutes, Michelle actually began crying. Jane, hearing the sobs, stopped.
"Crying? Come now, this is actually a light spanking."
"It hurts!" Michelle sobbed.
"It's SUPPOSED to hurt. If it didn't, there wouldn't be a reason for me to do it. Now, we're at 848. Only about 150 more to go."
The spanking immediately continued. Michelle shook and began crying harder as the spanking went on. By this point, her ass was coming up on a dark shade of red. Jane stopped again and let Michelle regain her breath and calm down.
"Now, we're at the last 10. These WILL hurt."
SMACK! "OW!" SMACK! "OUCHHH!" SMACK! "AHHH! STOP!" This continued 7 more times, with Jane counting, "998, 999, 1000." After the 1000th spank, Jane put her hand down. Michelle was crying and holding her burning ass.
"Let me up, please," Jane requested. Michelle slowly got off of Jane's lap, laying down on the couch, as the spanker got up, job done. Michelle held her ass from a few inches away, finishing her sobbing. "I know it hurts. But that's what happens. Now, I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." With that, Jane went into her room and shut the door.
After a few more minutes of sniffling and holding/rubbing her behind, Michelle got up and gently pulled her panties and shorts up. That was intense, she thought, as she headed for the sink. She washed her dishes, dried them, and placed them in the drainboard before heading for her room. Laying on her bed (on her belly), she thought,
"That was insane... I can't go anywhere else, I NEED this place... no other place costs this low for a place this nice... but I don't want to get spanked... but I guess I have no choice, it's get spanked or be homeless... I'll just try to follow the rules as best I can..."
As Michelle held her burning bum and tried falling asleep, one thing became clear: it was going to be a LONG two years.
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Re: Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by Chross »

II Late Rent

From that first fateful night on, Michelle washed her dishes, took out the trash, and did everything according to the rules. She wanted to read the contract again, but Jane kept it locked up in her room, out of sight. Speaking of, she and Jane became somewhat better acquainted, with Jane showing Michelle around town one day and the two becoming more friendly. Michelle kept in the back of her mind, though - she may seem nice at the moment, but she'll have no problem spanking her.
Only about a week later, though, Michelle got up around 8 am to get ready for her journalism internship at the city's local paper, The Informer. As she got dressed and was ready to leave the apartment, she found a note on the kitchen table - "Rent due today. Please leave $ on table." Michelle gulped - her internship hadn't started paying yet. Fearing the consequences, she knew she had to get her share of the money in by that night.
At the office, Michelle shadowed a reporter all day as he gathered interviews and story bits for his upcoming article about a local charity walk being done to raise money to help people with diabetes. Once her time was up at 4, Michelle returned to the office and knocked on the door of Editor in Chief Mike Rome.
"Hi, Mr. Rome?" she asked while opening.
"Ah, Ms. Elure. Please come in." Michelle came in, shutting the door behind her, and sat down. "What can I do for you today?"
"You see Mr. Rome, it's about the internship."
"Are you enjoying it?"
"Yes I am. I was just wondering when I start getting paid?"
"Not for a little while, dear. You're only shadowing reporters for now - when you start doing actual work is when you'll start making actual money."
"Oh. Well you see, my rent is due, so I was wondering if I could get an advanced pay check? Just to cover it?"
"I'm sorry, dear, but I'm afraid I can't do that."
"Please, isn't there anything you can do?"
"I'm afraid not, sweetie. Don't worry though - with your charisma and skills, you'll have a job here before you know it!"
"Thank you sir," Michelle mumbled, frightened, as she left the office.
Michelle owed $200 a month in rent. Unfortunately, she didn't have this cash on hand, and her spending money wouldn't exactly cover it. As she sat on the bus on the way home, wondering about how Jane would take the news, she had a somewhat comforting idea - Jane knew Michelle was an unpaid intern at the time of moving in. If she could assure Jane that she'd pay her back as soon as possible, and remind her of the pre-existing information, this would clear Michelle's butt from being punished. It had to work. Jane wasn't heartless... was she?

That night, Michelle returned home and found dinner almost ready - Jane had made pork chops and was just finishing up. The note about rent was gone.
"I'm home," Michelle said.
"Ah, good. Dinner is almost ready. Get ready!" Michelle took off her formal work attire and switched into a red T-shirt and blue jean shorts. After washing her hands, she joined Jane at the dinner table. During the meal, they discussed each other's respective days - Jane had gone shopping while Michelle went on her internship. Towards the end of the meal, Jane asked,
"Did you have a nice day?"
"Yes, yes I did." In that moment, Michelle seemed to forget the missing rent money.
"Good. You DID see the note this morning, right?" Slam. Back to reality.
"I did. I'm sorry, but my internship isn't paying me yet. Could you cover for me this month? I'm so sorry- I'll give you the money as soon as I get it. I promise."
"Of course. I already paid it when I found that you hadn't." Michelle didn't like those words. "Just give me the money when you get it." At those somewhat-sympathetic-sounding words, Michelle started to smile. It worked. She got away with it.
Once the two were finished, Jane took both their dishes and began washing them. Michelle, meanwhile, walked over to her room and went inside. As she began reading a book she had bought, Jane walked in. Uh-oh.
"Of course you know what this means. Paying the rent ON TIME was in the contract."
"I'm sorry! I know! But I told you when I first moved in that I was on an unpaid internship."
"That's not my problem - you should have had a better idea about paying in mind when you moved in. Now bare your bottom." Michelle held her ass in fright - she had just managed to survive the last spanking, and now it was happening again.
"I'm sorry! I begged my boss for early pay but he said no!"
"Not interested in excuses. The rent was due today, and you didn't have money like you signed that you would. Now drop your shorts and your underwear." Slowly, but in a panic, Michelle stood up, unbuttoned her jean shorts, and pulled them down past her ass. They fell to her ankles. She then pulled her lime green panties down to her knees, covering her crotch.
Jane sat on the edge of the bed, patting her lap. Michelle climbed over her lap, keeping one arm on the floor, one on the bed, and both feet on the floor. Jane began rubbing Michelle's helpless bare ass.
"This spanking is going to be quite harder than the last. I think we'll do 1000 for a start." Michelle panicked - 1000 for a START?! Jane then began the spanking. Like the last spanking, she went into a fast pace, not letting one cheek stop jiggling before slapping the other. She spanked quite hard, just like last time, and in no time, Michelle was flailing her legs and moaning and screaming aloud.
5 minutes passed as Jane silently spanked the not-so-silent Michelle. As her ass grew red, Jane stopped. Michelle moaned in pain, breathing heavy - her butt was hurting.
"We're at 500 right now. You're going to get 500 more, but not from my hand. Stand up," she demanded. Michelle jumped up, holding her ever-burning bum. "Stay right here, don't go anywhere," Jane said before leaving the room. A few moments later she was back holding a small wooden hairbrush. Michelle gasped - oh no. Jane resumed her seat and took Michelle by her hand back over her lap.
CRACK! The first hairbrush smack made Michelle scream aloud in pain - it HURT! Like the hand slaps, Jane went at it with the brush quite fast and hard. Michelle screamed, shouted, and slowly began crying in pain. Once it was evident that she was sobbing, Jane stopped.
"Crying already? It's only going to get worse from here. You need to toughen up so you can handle it, or you're going to suffer more than you should," Jane instructed. With that, she resumed her hairbrush duty on Michelle's behind.
4 minutes later, Jane was counting the final 5 smacks on Michelle's butt. 500 with her hand, 500 with the brush - 1000 spanks. Michelle's ass was beet red, she had screamed and kicked, and had managed to stop crying after hearing the terrible message from Jane.
"Alright, we got the warm-up done," Jane began. Michelle gasped,
"We're not done?"
"Not at all. You've still got some coming. Stand up." Michelle did as she was told, holding her aching bum. Jane did the same, then pointed towards Michelle's shorts. "Take off your shorts and your panties."
"Yes. Off."
"But my butt is already bare..."
"Doesn't matter. Do what I told you - off with them." Michelle began taking her jean shorts off, and Jane held out her hand for them. Jane took the shorts and tossed them on the floor. Michelle then removed her panties, and found Jane's hand there. Jane took Michelle's panties as Michelle covered her crotch again, and looked at the tag sticking out of the panties. After a few seconds, she asked, "Where's your name?"
"Page 2 of the contract had the rule that you need to sew or write your name on the tag of your panties so they don't get mixed up in the wash with mine." Michelle was even more afraid - what else was in this contract?!
"I... haven't had the time. Besides, we do separate wash."
"Does not matter - you must have your name sewn or written on the tag of your panties. It is a rule. What about your other panties, do they have your name?" Deciding to save herself and get the job done tomorrow, Michelle responded,
"Yeah. It's just that pair was in the wash when I did it."
"They do? Which drawer is your underwear drawer?" she asked, going for the dresser.
"What?" Too late- Jane opened the top drawer and found panties, bras, and socks. She began pulling out all of Michelle's panties one by one, looking at the tags.
"No name. No name. No name. I thought you said,"
"No. I didn't put my name in them yet."
"So you broke a rule AND lied to me. This is going to cost you dearly. Here, get on the bed and lay on your back." Michelle sat on the bed and laid down on her back. "Now lift your legs up in the air and stick your ass out." Hesitating at first, Michelle did as she was told, lifting her legs up and letting her red, burning ass stick out.
"We're going to do 1000 again, only with a different implement. And this time the focus will be on your lower ass and upper thighs." Michelle laid there in fear as Jane left the room again. Returning again, this time she had a ping pong paddle. "I don't play ping pong, but I bought this especially for punishment."
Sitting down next to Michelle's ass, she began the paddling. Back and forth, back and forth between ass cheeks and thighs, she never let up. Michelle, on the other hand, began screaming soon due to the pain, and at one point let her legs fall down.
"Pick your legs back up! Keep them up in the air, don't let them fall again." Michelle, approaching tears, lifted her legs back up, and reached her arms forward to hold them there. "Good girl," Jane commented before resuming the paddling. Michelle hollered and screamed before breaking out into tears again as Jane kept going. She tried to keep herself steady while crying as Jane paddled her ass mercilessly.
After another few minutes, Jane stopped. Michelle was sobbing from pain. Jane began rubbing her ass.
"I know it hurts... but you should know to pay rent and to follow rules. This is common sense. We're at 950 now. 50 to go." The 50 smacks were done in rapid succession and were finished within 2 minutes. Once all 1000 were done, Michelle began holding her burning ass in utter pain and fell over on to her side, crying. Jane studied the ass - beet red and burning hot.
"Okay. Your spanking is done. I hope you've learned what happens when you don't pay on time. You could lose your home... or suffer a burning bottom. Now, be sure to have the money by next month. AND write your name in your panties. ALL of them. I'll be doing random underwear checks to make sure you've done so. Goodnight Michelle." Jane took her brush and paddle and left, closing the door.
Michelle cried for another few minutes, holding her burning ass in pain. That HURT even more! After she regained composure, the poor girl got up and began picking up the panties that Jane tossed on the floor. She didn't know how much more spanking she could take, or if she'd get the money in time. Or what would happen if she didn't...
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Re: Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by ticospanker »

Thanks for the repost!
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Re: Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by Chross »

III Underwear Check

Over the days after Michelle's spanking for missing the rent, Jane reminded her about writing or sewing her name on the tags of her panties. Despite Michelle's protests that they did their laundry separate from one another and mixing up clothes would not be a problem, Jane remained adamant in that Michelle's panties should have her name in them.
One night, as they watched television, Michelle reached forward to pick up a drink of water she had on the table. As she did, her panties crept out of the back of her shorts. Jane spied the tag sticking out - no name.
"Is your name in your panties yet?" Michelle had a minor heart attack - was she about to get spanked?
"No, not yet. I... haven't bought the sewing material yet."
"Ah. Get on that then. You know the rules."
Jane got up afterwards, said goodnight, and went to bed. Michelle did the same shortly after.
The next morning, when Michelle got up for her internship, she had a text from Jane: "Remember your name in your underpants." Michelle sighed - what a weird rule to have. Ignoring the text, she got ready for her internship, reminding herself to buy the sewing material and get to work on this later.
At 6 pm when she walked in the apartment, she realized she forgot the sewing stuff. Fuck. Michelle changed into a white T-shirt and black shorts and found that Jane had ordered Chinese food.
They had dinner while they discussed their respective dinners. It was going nicely. "Hopefully she forgets about my underwear until I can get back to my room," Michelle thought.
Dinner finished, and Michelle headed to her room as Jane sat down on the couch to watch television. As she got ready to write her name with marker in her panties and put this matter to rest, she realized - she had no marker or pen. Nothing to write with. She'd have to go back out where Jane was. Dammit.
Michelle opened the door and slowly and carefully walked out of her room towards the kitchen where there was a drawer full of pens and other junk. As she passed the living room, Jane noticed her.
"Oh, Michelle, come here and check this out. This guy on TV is going to walk across Niagara Falls on a tightrope."
"Uh, sure." Michelle nervously went and sat down on the couch as well, hoping that Jane's attention would be too focused on the TV. As they watched, Jane asked,
"Did you put your name in your panties yet?" Michelle didn't answer. A few seconds passed. "Michelle?"
"...not yet."
"I texted you this morning."
"I haven't had the time yet. I will." Jane picked up the remote and turned the TV off.
"Bare your bottom."
"Please, no. I was going to do it just now!"
"I'm sure you were. But you've had some time now. Bare your bottom." Michelle groaned as she stood up and pulled down her shorts and panties. Jane patted her lap. Michelle reluctantly climbed over.
Jane began the spanking immediately. She did her usual fast slap back and forth across the cheeks. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! It wasn't long before Michelle was kicking and yelping.
"Ow! OWW! Ouch!" As Jane furiously spanked the poor girl, she commented,
"It's a shame I have to spank you so frequently, but the sooner you learn the rules and follow them, the better off you'll be."
"Ah! I guess- OUCH!"
After about 5-6 minutes of spanking, Michelle's ass was nice and red. Jane rubbed it a little.
"Now, I'll stop spanking you for now, but we're going to address your underwear problem. Take off your underwear and give them to me, and go to your room."
"Your underwear," she answered with a spank. "Give them to me, and go to your room. Unless you want me to keep spanking," with another spank.
"AH! NO!" Michelle quickly got up, took off her shorts and panties, and handed the panties to Jane. Putting her shorts back on, Michelle hurried back to her room while holding her stinging bottom. Jane entered only a minute later, but with a large black garbage bag. She held the bag to Michelle, instructing her,
"Hold it open." Michelle did as was told. Jane walked over to Michelle's top drawer and opened it, showing all the panties, bras, and socks. Jane began pulling out of all Michelle's panties. When she had a handful, she walked back to the bag and tossed them in.
"What're you doing?!" Michelle asked confused and frightened.
"Throwing these out. As you won't mark them appropriately, you'll wear the underwear I deem appropriate."
"Excuse me? You can't tell me what kind of underwear I wear!"
"I do believe I do, unless you want to live elsewhere. My roof, my rules. Now hold that bag open." An irritated Michelle held the bag open as Jane tossed the panties in. Jane finished the inspection of the underwear drawer, making sure she had all of the panties and threw them in the trash. Taking the bag back, she told Michelle, "Now, get dressed. We're going shopping."
"Shopping? And how can I get dressed? You threw out all of my underwear!"
"That's the point, we're going underwear shopping. Get ready." Jane left the room with the bag. Michelle angrily put on a pair of blue jeans and walked out of her room to find Jane re-entering the apartment.
"Where did you go?"
"To the incinerator to dispose of that bag."
"You BURNED my underwear?"
"Yes. Now let's go. I know a good clothing store."
Michelle got into Jane's car and the two drove to a 24 hour store called Lucky's Clothes. Walking in, Jane led the two to the women's underwear section. After a few seconds of looking, Jane held up a package of plain white granny panties.
"Do you like these? I do."
"I don't. I'm not going to wear granny panties."
"You're not?"
"No. They're too big and too plain. I like these," Michelle held up a package of thongs. Jane shook her head dismissively.
"Those are NOT appropriate underwear. You'll wear something that covers your whole rear end."
"You're NOT my mother, Jane."
"No, but I AM your home-provider as I pay over half the rent. And my rules apply. No skimpy underwear. How about these?" She held up a package of green granny panties. "What size are you?"
"Medium, but that's not the point."
"Here's a package of medium panties. Look, they have stripes. Is that cute enough?"
"No. You're NOT choosing my underwear. I'll choose my own, do you understand?" Michelle angrily sat on the small bench in the area and crossed her arms. Jane was unamused.
"I don't like that attitude. Bare your bottom."
"Excuse me? We're in the store."
"I don't care. Bare your bottom or I'll bare it for you."
"! We're in public. Can't you do this back in the apartment? And I already got spanked tonight!"
"You're acting up, so you're getting another. And no. Right here, right now. Pants down. Unless you want to walk back to the apartment tonight to find ALL of your stuff in the incinerator."
"Are you really going to use my living in the apartment as leverage to spank me?"
"Yes. Now what'll it be?" Michelle realized she was fighting a losing battle. Making sure no one was around, she stood up and unbuttoned her jeans and slowly lowered them below her ass. Jane pulled the jeans down further til they were above Michelle's knees, then sat on the bench and pulled her over. "Your ass is still a little red. We need to redder it more," Jane said before beginning spanking.
She slapped furiously, with each slap harder than the last. Michelle was wiggling and groaning as Jane spanked. Jane warned her,
"If you make noise, you'll attract people. You don't want that, do you?" Michelle realized, in panic, she was right - the louder she was, the more attention she'd bring to herself, being spanked in public. Michelle held back her groans and yelps as Jane kept spanking.
The minutes passed as Jane punished Michelle's bare ass. To Michelle's horror, a little girl around 5 years old walked by and started watching. Michelle's eyes went wide. The little girl laughed,
"Hahaha, you're being punished!" Jane stopped spanking, and answered,
"Yes. This is what happens when bad girls misbehave - they get a spanking." Michelle was dying of embarrassment, as red in the face as she was on her ass. The girl came closer and looked at Michelle's burning bottom.
"Wow. It's REALLY red."
"Yep. The badder you are, the redder it gets. This girl is bad a lot, so she gets A LOT of spankings."
Michelle could only lay there in silence and wonder, "Is this really happening?"
"WOW. What did she do?!"
"She's giving me fuss about her underwear. She's being nasty and giving me a hard time."
"That's not nice. You should spank her really hard for that!"
"You got it. Now run along, little girl." The little girl laughed and ran off, chanting,
"Mommy! That girl over there is being punished!"
"What a sweet girl," Jane said, before resuming the spanking. Michelle clenched her fists and kicked her feet as Jane mercilessly spanked her red bottom.
"Now, you WILL wear whatever underwear I choose, right?" SMACK
"OW! Yes!"
"And you'll stop giving me an attitude, right?" SMACK
"AHH! Yesss!"
With one final hard spank that made Michelle scream, Jane stopped.
"Alright. Pull up your pants." Michelle, angry and in pain, got up and pulled her jeans up and buttoned them. She held her ass in pain - a burning naked bottom in jeans HURT! Jane bought 3 packages of underwear for Michelle - one of plain white granny panties, one of striped blue panties, and one of designs and colors on panties.
The two returned home where Jane presented Michelle with a marker.
"Your name on every tag. Now. Goodnight." With that, Jane went into her room and closed the door. Michelle laid on her belly on her bed, her bare, red ass still cooling down, as she wrote her name in all of her new underwear.
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Re: Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by Chross »


As the weeks passed after the underwear incident, Michelle and Jane still grew closer as roommates, sharing stories and spending time together. Of course, Michelle still got spanked quite a lot. Not all of Michelle's spankings were long, epic events over something big, however - some were short and relatively small compared to other punishments she received...

Watching TV

One night while watching TV, Michelle was in black PJ pants and a blue tank top while sitting on the couch with Jane. <I><s></s>The Big Bang Theory<e></e></I> had just started, and Michelle reached for the remote to change it. Jane grabbed it back.
"What're you doing? I'm watching this."
"We just watched one of your sitcoms, it's my turn now. Let's find a good movie."
"Big Bang is a good show. Keep it on."
"C'mon Jane, it's not really that funny. There are way funnier." Michelle reached for the remote, and tried pulling it from Jane's grip. Jane held on.
"We could put on anoth-" Jane stood up.
"Bare your bottom."
"You heard me." Jane then turned the TV off. "Bare your bottom."
"You're going to spank me for not wanting to watch your show?!"
"No, I'm going to spank you for being rude while watching TV and trying to take the remote away. Now drop your PJs and your panties."
Sighing in slight annoyance, Michelle stood up and dropped her pajama bottoms to her ankles. Then her panties came down to her knees. Jane then physically bent Michelle over the couch so her ass stuck out. She then took off her slipper which she held up to Michelle's butt.
"Stick it out," came the command. Michelle did as she was told in fear of what would happen if she didn't. Jane then began slippering Michelle on the bottom. It didn't hurt THAT much, but it did sting a little, so Michelle's normal "OUCH!"s and "AHHH!"s were replaced by quieter groans and moans. After a minute or so of back and forth with the slipper, Michelle's ass started to glow a light pink. Jane stopped.
"Alright. This isn't doing much, but I didn't want to over-do it on such a small matter. I'll give you a choice: 10 minutes with the slipper, or 200 slaps with my hand?" Michelle thought - the slipper wasn't too hard, just annoying. The hand, on the other hand, was quite hard, but faster than 10 minutes. After a few seconds of thought, she decided,
"The slipper."
Jane went at it again, as hard as she could. Still, Michelle only felt just a stinging sensation - nothing like the brutal spankings before. Slap left, slap right, her butt cheeks jiggled as she groaned and moaned. Occasionally she would shake one of her legs.
Finally, 10 minutes passed. Her ass grew a little pink, a very light shade of red. Jane put her slipper back on,
"Okay, your spanking is over. But I don't think I'll be using the slipper as much anymore. Not as effective."
Rubbing her slightly stinging bum, Michelle pulled her panties and PJ pants back up, and sat back on the couch, crushed that the weakest of spanking implements had now been retired.

Coming Home Late

One late afternoon not long after, as Michelle was walking home from her internship, she got a call from her friend Amy.
"Hey Mish - there's a 6 show of the new Channing Tatum movie playing. You in?"
"Yeah sure, I'll meet you there in 20 minutes!" Michelle directed her course from home to the movies. Once inside the theater, she turned her phone off as to avoid disrupting the movie.
Once the movie was over, she and Amy went and had a dinner in a small cafe for about an hour's time. However, she had forgotten to turn her phone back on...

As she entered the building, Michelle realized she hadn't turned her phone back on, and proceeded to do so. She walked into her apartment around 9 pm. Jane sat on the couch, arms folded, looking angry. She got up. Michelle instantly felt a stroke of fear.
"Where have you been?!"
"I was at the movies with a friend..?"
"You didn't call! I made you dinner and you didn't even let me know you were going out!"
"I'm sorry, I jus-"
"AND your phone is off. I've been calling you!" Michelle looked at her phone, now on - 6 texts of "Where are you?" from Jane, with 10 calls. "I thought something might've happened! I was worried! You're always supposed to let me know if you're going to be late, not panic me. Rule in the contract."
"I'm so sorry Jane, I ju-"
"Go to your room and get out of those work clothes. I don't want to wrinkle them."
"I'll be in there in 5 minutes - have your bottom bared."
Michelle, in a panic, hurried into her room and shut the door. She took off her buttoned up white shirt and grey work pants, instead slipping into a green t-shirt and shorts, which she left down at her knees with her panties. She sat on the bed until Jane came in, 5 minutes later, wooden spoon in hand. Michelle's eyes went wide.
"On your back with your legs up and butt out. Now." Michelle quickly got into position, holding her legs up and sticking her ass out. Jane stood next to the bed and patted her left ass cheek with the spoon before SMACK!-ing it. Michelle yelped. Jane began using the wooden spoon to smack both cheeks in rapid-fire manner. Michelle held on tight, trying not to fall over or let her legs drop, as Jane went spank-happy on her ass for a few minutes.
After a few minutes of smacks and cries of "Ouch!", Michelle had some nice red spoon-sized marks on her butt. Finally, Jane finished after about 5 more minutes of continuous spanking. Michelle laid on to her side and rubbed her ass as Jane left the room with the spoon. Nothing insane, but still stinging.

Wine on the Couch

One night, after dinner, Jane treated Michelle to a bottle of wine. Jane sat at the table, drinking her freshly-poured glass, while Michelle, in over-sized white T-shirt and grey sweatpants, took her glass over to the couch.
"Where are you going? You know you're not supposed to eat or drink over there."
"I'm just gonna watch some TV while I sip my wine."
"Now, Michelle,"
"Please, Jane?" Michelle looked at her with puppy dog eyes. Jane seemed to relent and smile a little.
"Okay. But be careful."
Michelle watched a bit of a comedy movie while sipping up her wine. Jane finished her glass and proceeded to join Michelle on the couch. Once her glass was empty, Michelle got up and headed over to pour another glass. Jane watched as Michelle returned to the couch with the glass and sat down.
On the TV, an elaborate plan by one of the characters failed, causing another character to get hit in the groin with a baseball. Michelle, who was sipping at this point, spit out her drink in laughter - all over Jane and the couch. In her laughter, she accidentally fell back - splashing wine all over the couch. Oops. Jane got up, furious.
"Now look! I told you I didn't want you drinking over here, and you've got wine all over ME and the couch!"
"I'm sorry, let me get that!" Michelle begged, immediately knowing what was to come, as she rushed up to go get paper towels. Jane got up and grabbed her, pulling her back.
"No, you wait here." Jane walked over and got paper towels and cleaned herself off before coming back to the couch with a sponge to clean up the spilled drink.
"I'm so sorry."
"Oh, you will be." Once she was finished cleaning, the excess wine, she took the sponge back to the sink and rinsed it. Walking back, she pointed, "Look. There's a stain. That ain't coming out."
"I'm so-"
Jane reached at Michelle's sweatpants, yanking them, along with her panties, down all the way to her ankles. She then sat on the couch and pulled the girl over her lap.
"You can barely go a day without getting spanked, can you?" Jane asked before starting the spanking. The spanking, of course, was quite hard, as Jane went as fast and hard as she could across Michelle's ass cheeks. The girl kicked as the woman slapped her bare ass, moaning "Owww... OUCH! AH! STOP!" After 3-4 minutes of non-stop spanking, Michelle flung her hand back to cover her ass.
"No more! Please!"
"Move your hand or you'll get more," Jane warned.
"Please! It already hurts too much!"
"I was planning on going for 400, but if you want to go for 1400 instead, keep your hand back here." Michelle quickly flung her hand back up front in fear. "Good girl. Now, I AM going for 400, but as I've lost my place, I'll simply have to start over." Michelle began whimpering loudly as Jane started spanking again.
The minutes passed slowly as the spanks went fast - Jane spanked soundly and without stop as Michelle kicked and moaned without hope. After 5 minutes passed, Jane counted down the last spanks,
"397, 398, 399...." she paused after the 399th spank. Michelle laid there in fear. Jane sent the last one down HARD, causing Michelle to scream in pain.
"Okay. We're done. Get up." Michelle got up off of Jane's lap as Jane got up and walked into her room, shutting the door. Michelle rubbed her ass for a few seconds before pulling her sweatpants and panties back up.
As she head to bed that night with ANOTHER sore bottom, one thing was clear - she had to get the fuck out of there.
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Re: Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by Chross »

V Movin' Out

Michelle's attitude about getting out of Jane's apartment seemed to dull after a week or so after having her bare ass spanked for spilling wine. However, that all changed after Michelle got spanked for 6 days in a row:

Michelle had invited a friend over to watch TV with without alerting Jane. Once the friend was gone, Michelle went over Jane's lap for a hand spanking for about 20 minutes.

After accidentally leaving the light on in the bathroom overnight for the past 3 days, Jane lit Michelle's bottom aflame with a brush to remind her about the electricity bill.

Evidently, Michelle had kept one pair of panties that didn't have her name on the tag. The tag, unfortunately for her, stuck out while the pair were playing a game of cards, so Michelle got spanked for not wearing the correct underwear, while having the panties tossed in the trash.

Michelle accidentally left the door to the apartment unlocked and open a bit after coming home. Jane paddled her for a bit with the ping pong paddle.

Michelle forgot to take the trash out the night before and it filled and stunk up the apartment - Jane took her belt to Michelle's bare ass, practically bringing her to tears.

Jane was frustrated from work and came home angry, wanting to take out her anger on something: when Michelle burped at dinner and forgot to say 'excuse me', Jane called her out on poor manners which was apparently a rule in the contract, had Michelle bare her bottom instantly, and spanked her for about an hour. Once Jane's frustrations were officially vented on to the skin of Michelle's ass, she stopped and went into her room.
Michelle once again laid on her belly that night without wearing pants or underwear to let her poor bottom cool. This almost became ritual. Once she finished crying, she held her burning bottom, realizing she had to get out before it was too late.

Sunday came, and Michelle was off from her internship. Telling Jane that she planned to meet up with a friend, she got out of the apartment at 9 AM and went searching for potential new apartments.
Checking all the local papers and classifieds, Michelle found a few open houses that day. She traveled around the city, visiting every open apartment there was. Unfortunately, they were all too expensive for her - until she found the one. It was nice, quaint, and the potential roommate, Samantha, was about her age. Plus, it was closer to the office where her internship was. The rent seemed simple - $250 a month. A little more expensive than from what she was paying to live with Jane, but the way she saw it, it was less spankings.
Michelle and Samantha decided to have a second meeting to work out the details, but they were both happy with their decision. Samantha started smoking a cigarette as a toast, offering Michelle one. Michelle, not a smoker, decided to partake out of kindness, despite not enjoying it. Samantha gave Michelle some paperwork in a folder, and sent the girl on her way. Taking the cigarette out of her mouth and tossing it into a trash can, Michelle headed home, anxious to move this along and get away from the spanko. She was contractually obliged to get spanked by Jane whenever Jane wanted to, so her only way out was to move. It seemed promising, and for the first time in a while, the girl was genuinely happy.
Michelle got home around 7 - Jane had already finished eating dinner and was on her laptop on the couch.
"I'm home," she said.
"Welcome back. I hope you had a nice day," Jane answered, not looking up. Michelle smiled.
"I did." Putting the folder on the table, she went to the freezer and found a slice of cold pizza, placing it on the table. After preheating the oven, she went into her bedroom to change.
Jane looked up and saw the pizza and the folder. Standing up and heading over, she muttered,
"Just leaves the pizza out wherever, what a mess..." Picking up the pizza to move it over, she accidentally hit the folder and knocked it on the floor, spilling its contents out. Putting the pizza down, Jane began picking up the papers and files - until she saw one form that read NEW APARTMENT LEASE. She became angry, quickly placing the papers back in the folder and back on the table.
"New apartment? She's just leaving? She can't just leave, that violates the rules..." she thought. "But she can't know I read the papers. She'll have to confess herself..."
Michelle came out of her room in blue basketball shorts and a lime green T-shirt. Walking over to the pizza, Jane asked,
"So where did you go today?"
"Oh, you know. We went to the movies, we went to the carnival. It was nice."
"I'm sure it was. Bare your bottom."
"Does that phrase really still confuse you? Bare your bottom. It means drop your shorts and your underwear."
"For what?"
"You still haven't given me the rent for last month, but you can afford to go gallivanting? Nuh-uh. Bare your bottom and go bend over the couch."
"I didn't even eat yet!"
"Once I'm done with your bottom, you'll be able to cook the pizza off of that. Now go."
Michelle walked over to the couch in anger, dropped her shorts and panties to her ankles, and bent over, sticking her ass out. Jane walked over and rubbed the white bare ass. "It's a shame how much I have to spank you..."
"You don't have to spank me at all..." Michelle answered. Jane then began the spanking. Loud, firm, hard swats went on Michelle's poor ass. At first she was silent, but as Jane kept going, she began groaning. "Ow... ouch... ooohh, ow..." Jane went at a rapid fast speed like always, never giving Michelle's left butt cheek time to jiggle before slapping the right cheek.
3-4 minutes passed before Jane stopped. Michelle's butt stung and she groaned in pain.
"Now... I've gotten to 550. Not even at 1000 yet. But I'd say 4000 should be tonight's goal, don't you?"
"I think you deserve it."
"NO! This is why I'm getting the fuck out of here!" Michelle sat down on the couch and pulled up her panties and shorts.
"Excuse me?! What do you think you're doing?!"
"I'm getting out of this place! I can't take it living here anymore. I'm moving out."
"Oh? You are, by the contract's rules, obligated to give me 2 weeks notice before moving. You're not going anywhere yet."
"Your contract also apparently lets you spank me whenever you want! I'm done here, I'm out."
"No you're not!"
Michelle got up and headed for her room, slamming the door shut behind her and locking it. She began packing up all of her stuff into her suitcase and backpack - she was out of there! When she opened her underwear drawer, she found all of the panties Jane forced her to buy with her name on them. She took all of them and placed them in a plastic bag, including the pair she was wearing. After a few minutes, all of her stuff was stuffed in and ready to go.
She walked out of her room, gear in hand, finding Jane sitting on the couch, head in her hands. Michelle walked over, albeit angry, but somewhat curious. Jane was crying. She ignored it - this tyrant would gladly pull down her pants and slap her bare ass at the drop of a hat. She couldn't get Michelle's sympathy. Stuff in hand, Michelle slammed the door shut as she walked out.
Michelle stopped by the incinerator on her way out and tossed in the bag of panties she was forced to buy, and headed out.
Riding the bus, Michelle called Samantha's number a few times, but each time it just kept ringing and ringing and no one would answer. It was 9:30 PM, but that didn't seem too late.
Michelle got to the new apartment building 20 minutes later... to, her horror, was burned to the ground! She looked at it horrified - the whole top half of the building was gone, only smoky, charred rubble and remains. Firefighters fought the blaze while police were in blocking off the area. As Michelle looked around the crowd, Samantha found her and gave her a hug.
"Are you okay?!"
"NO! My home is gone!"
"What happened?!"
"A small fire started on the 3rd floor, and it just spread everywhere. Some are saying that some dope tossed a lit cigarette into a trash!"
Michelle gasped - uh-oh. Her dream home, burned to ashes when she needed it the most... by her own doing. Oops. After making sure Samantha would be okay living on a friend's couch for a few days, Michelle left the scene, panicking - "Do I go back? I shouldn't... I couldn't... but what choice do I have?"
At 11 PM, Michelle walked in the door. Jane was on the couch, sitting in silence. Michelle put her suitcase down and slowly approached.
"What?" Michelle seemed taken aback by the way she answered: Jane, this spanking monster who was a tyrant of sorts, seemed almost... hurt?
"A-are you okay?"
"Why did you come back?"
"My other plans... burned up."
"You should've just gone if you were unhappy here. I don't want to keep you here if you're unhappy."
"I'm not unhappy, it's ju-"
"Then why did you plan on leaving?!"
"Well, maybe it's because every time I do something you don't find right, you spank me?"
"Is that really it?"
"YES. The apartment and rent is fine, and you're not a bad person, but... the spankings."
"They're meant to enforce the rules."
"But your rules are kind of ridiculous!"
"How so?"
"You choose what underwear I wear? I'm 22. I don't need a stranger in her 40s picking out my underwear OR making me write my name in them!"
"I see."
"Not to mention that yesterday I BURPED and you pulled down my panties and spanked me for an hour!"
"I'm sorry. I was just... frustrated."
"Okay, I get it. You were mad. But you can't take that out on my ass every time. I occasionally like to sit comfortably."
"Well, I can't live with a roommate who doesn't abide by the rules. They exist so that I can live comfortably with another person."
"And I can't live with a roommate who spanks me everytime I do the slightest thing wrong. When I first moved in here, you said you were lenient to rules."
"I did?"
"Well, there has to be some middle ground here. We both still want to live here, but not with the conditions being what they are."
"Okay. How about I'll be more laidback with how often I spank you."
"You can't just NOT spank me?"
"No. I have to to enforce the rules."
"Well, how about if you agree to lay back on certain ridiculous rules, which INCLUDES me wearing my OWN underwear..."
"But if you break an important rule or do something bad enough, you WILL get a spanking. No questions asked."
"Alright. Fair. But... can it just be on my pants?"
"No. You'll always be spanked on the bare bottom. Agreed?" Michelle thought for a second before she sighed,
The two shook on it.
"Good, now bare your bottom."
"You lied to me about what you were doing today and were planning on just leaving - which you did, without 2 weeks notice. This violates our contract severely. And, according to our new agreement, if you break an important rule, of which you broke 3..." Jane patted her lap. Michelle sighed, unbuttoned her jeans, and pulled them down to her knees before climbing over Jane's lap. Jane rubbed Michelle's ass before realizing her panties were missing.
"Where is your underwear?"
"When I left, I threw all of them out."
"Well, I... I mean YOU... will have to buy new ones." She smiled. Michelle smiled back.
And then the spanking started.
Michelle cringed and kicked her legs a little as Jane warmed her butt. After about 5 minutes of continuous slaps, Jane stopped.
"I think that's enough for today," she said. Michelle got up, relieved and rubbing her aching ass, as Jane walked into her room. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Jane's door closed.
Michelle walked into her room, rubbing her stinging butt, and began putting her stuff back. Once she was unpacked, she laid on her bed in her pajama shirt, holding her stinging ass, wondering,
"....what have I done?"
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Re: Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by Chross »

VI Houseguest from Hell

Two weeks passed since Michelle agreed to live in the apartment again. She hadn't been spanked since - to her relief. One night as the two ate dinner, Jane brought up news;
"I'm going to be away this weekend."
"Where are you going?"
"My job has called for a mandatory meeting in Lenmore to discuss the future of our company. It'll be a 2-day event, so I'll be leaving Friday afternoon and be home on Sunday night."
"Is your company okay?"
"Yes. We should be after this weekend. I just wanted to give you fair warning that I won't be here."
"Well I hope you have fun. I'll try to manage without you."
"Can you do that?"
"Jane, I'm 22. Of course I can go two days without you."
"You're sure?"
"Yes. I assure you I'll be fine."
"Hmm... alright then."
As Michelle got ready for bed that night, she was all excited with positive thoughts:
"Finally! The apartment to myself! I can do whatever I want and not have to worry about getting spanked! YES!" Michelle knew it would be great.
...until Friday night came after her internship...
Michelle walked in the door with her friend Amy around 8 pm, laughing.
"I know, right?" Amy asked. Michelle closed the door behind them and turned the door to see an angry looking blonde woman in her 40s sitting on the couch, arms crossed. Michelle screamed in panic.
"Who are you?!"
"I'm Marsha, Jane's friend. She told me to house sit until she got back."
"House sit?!"
"The real question is why are you late, and why do you have a friend here?"
"Excuse me? I live here, I pay rent. I do what I want."
"No, you follow the rules set forth by my friend Jane. As she is not here, I am in control."
"Uh no you're not. I LIVE here. You don't. I'm living by MY rules this weekend."
"I believe you're contractually obliged to live by Jane's rules. And she's put me in charge. Now your friend can leave now, or I can call security have her removed for trespassing." Michelle looked at Amy in a panic. Amy just sighed, annoyed.
"I'll see you later, Michelle," and Amy closed the door behind her as she left. Michelle was upset.
"That was ridiculous! How dare you?!"
"How dare I? I made dinner for you and you couldn't bother to come home on time, and have an unauthorized friend no less?!"
"I didn't even know you were coming! And you don't need to be here! I pay rent, I live here, I'll enjoy myself this weekend alone."
"No, you won't be alone."
"Just shut up and stay away from me," Michelle instructed, putting her bag down. Marsha stood up.
"I'm now angry, and you're going to be punished."
"Excuse me?"
"You know the drill. Pull down your pants and your panties: bare ass."
"You've lived for Jane for a few months, you don't know how to get ready to get punished yet?"
"No, I live with JANE. SHE spanks me. Not YOU. I don't even know you! I only get spanked by Jane."
"No, you get spanked by whoever's in charge in this apartment. And right now that's me."
"No. You're house-sitting, I guess. That doesn't put you in charge of me."
"According to Jane it does. And you'll be punished just the way you would if she was here. With a spanking. Now you can get this over with, or you can be evicted from here until Jane gets back."
"Evicted?! By who?!"
"By me - the temporary boss. I have all the power Jane has as of the moment. So I suggest you lose the attitude and do what I say. Pants down. Now."
Michelle realized she was caught in a bind - Jane was gone, but even so, she had hired a "temporary Jane" to take her place. It's as if Jane never left - only it would be a stranger spanking her. Realizing she could be in severe trouble if she didn't follow orders, Michelle unbuttoned her pants and lowered them to her knees. Marsha took Michelle by the hand over to the couch and sat down, pulling the poor girl over her lap. Marsha rubbed Michelle's blue-pantied behind before slipping her fingers on to the waistband.
"These have to come down," she said, pulling the panties down to just below Michelle's ass. Michelle was embarrassed than she'd been in a while - she'd had her bare ass spanked by Jane, but that wasn't embarrassing anymore. Marsha, on the other hand, was a stranger who now had Michelle's bare butt in her lap. She gave it a bit of a rub.
"Are you ready?"
"Well that's too bad." Marsha slapped Michelle's left ass cheek pretty hard. Michelle groaned as a red hand mark appeared on her ass. Marsha moved to the right cheek and gave another hard slap. The ass cheek jiggled as another red hand mark appeared. Marsha then began this steady pattern going back and forth between the cheeks.
As she spanked, she kept it at a calm, cool pace, much different than Jane's 100 spank-a-minute style. Michelle kicked and moaned, occasionally getting out "OW!" and "Fuck!", but took this better than most of Jane's spankings.
After 5 consecutive minutes of slow spanking, Marsha stopped. Michelle seemed relieved - it was over.
"Get up," Marsha demanded. Michelle got up and stood up, beginning to pull her panties up. "Who told you to put your underwear back on? We're not done!" Marsha told her. Michelle quickly pushed them back down, her heart dropping into her stomach in fear. Marsha patted the couch. "Here. Get on the couch and kneel."
Michelle hesitated before doing what she was told: she got on the couch on her knees, facing the wall.
"Stick your ass out," Marsha demanded. Michelle did as she was told. "Stay still. I'll be back in a minute." Marsha walked off into Jane's room for a second, reappearing with a large, thick black strap.
"What is that?!" Michelle asked in fright.
"A strap. I'm using it on you." Michelle seemed confused - why did she have this strap on her? Unless...
"Did you just happen to have that strap with you?"
"No. To be honest, the only reason Jane had me come 'housesit' was to spank you when you got out of line. I came prepared." Michelle gasped - Jane had this woman come just to spank her?! Jane rested the strap against Michelle's light red ass. "We're gonna go for 30. And you're gonna count them. Understand?"
"Wh-" CRACK! Marsha slapped the strap against Michelle's poor ass - and it HURT! Michelle cringed and screamed a little, her intended "What?!" going to a "Wh-OUCH!"
"Count it," Marsha demanded.
"Good girl. Stick it out."
By crack nine, Michelle was crying, trying to keep count in-between sobs. The spanks with the strap continued, with Michelle kicking her legs and crying harder.
By crack twenty, Michelle's ass was dark red with marks, and she was sobbing uncontrollably.
"Twenty one!" Michelle grabbed her ass, trying to block the next strap.
"Move your hands." Crying, the girl shook her head no. "If you don't, we can start over and go for 60." Panicking, Michelle moved her hands for the rest of the strapping which went more smoothly.
"Tw-twenty n-nine!"
CRACKKK! This one came with full force. Michelle screamed in tears, holding her ass.
"THIRTY!" Michelle rolled on to her side, holding her burning ass. Marsha put the strap on the coffee table.
"Alright. We're done. But I'm here another two days, so be careful to be good unless you want this to happen again," Marsha warned. Michelle cried,
"I'll be good!" Marsha stood up and walked into Jane's room, shutting the door. Michelle held her burning butt, burning much more than from any spank Jane had ever given her. As she laid there waiting for her bottom to cool off, she silently wished for this weekend to be over and for Jane to come back. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck with this psycho.</r>
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Re: Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by Chross »

VII Houseguest from Hell: Part II

That night, Michelle slept in a blue T-shirt, green PJ short shorts, and a red, burning bottom. That was the hardest spanking she'd ever received - and living with Jane, she got plenty of them. The next morning at around 9:30, she got up and lazily walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. She didn't have her internship on weekends, so her plan was simple: eat fast and get the hell out before Marsha could spank her.
However, like most of Michelle's ideas, this didn't exactly pan out like she wanted.
Michelle managed to lightly sit at the table eating a bowl of Corn Flakes when Marsha entered the room, already showered and dressed for the day. Michelle ate breakfast in silence as Marsha started making coffee. The elder started the conversation,
"Starting the day off right before your chores, huh?"
"What?" Michelle asked, gulping down the spoonful of flakes.
"Your chores. You've gotta vacuum, mop, and sweep the apartment and do laundry."
"Uh, I'm going out today."
"I beg your pardon?"
"I'm going out today. The apartment can be cleaned later. Besides, Jane never told me about any ch-"
"No, you'll be cleaning the apartment today. There's a list of chores for you to do."
"According to who?"
"According to me."
"I don't have to do chores because YOU tell me to. YOU don't live here."
"No, but I AM in charge. And there's chores. Now finish breakfast and start cleaning. It's a busy workload ahead of you." Michelle stood up in defiance.
"NO. I'm NOT doing chores. I'm leaving." She started to storm to her bedroom, but Marsha grabbed her by the arm. Michelle tried pulling away, but Marsha held on tight.
"Go ahead, you can leave, but you're not coming back 'til Jane gets home. I hope you can find somewhere to stay until then. Jane actually let me know last night she might be away a few days longer than normal."
"I LIVE here. You can't victimize me!"
"I'm currently acting as head of the apartment, and what I say goes. Now, do you plan on walking out? If so, take everything with you." Michelle stopped struggling to get away and just stood there, almost defeated.
"No... I'm not."
"That's what I thought. So you'll be doing your chores today."
"Okay. Now let's go." Marsha started dragging Michelle towards the couch. Oh no. Shit. Michelle started struggling again,
"Yes. You're going to be punished for disobedience and acting like a brat."
"No no no!" Marsha got to the couch and started sitting down as Michelle tried pulling away. Unfortunately, Marsha held on tight.
"Yes yes yes. Now stop acting childish before I make things much worse."
"Yes. I can make things a hell of a lot worse for you than they already are. Now behave yourself and stop acting like a baby." Michelle stopped struggling for fear that her predicament could somehow become even worse, and stood there in fright. Marsha let go, "Alright. You know what to do."
Michelle nervously climbed over Marsha's lap letting her ass stick up, ready for the punishment. Marsha didn't immediately begin the spanking -instead, she rested two fingers on the waistband of Michelle's lime green short-shorts.
"I'm not sure why these are still up. You should know by now that ALL spankings are on your bare ass, and when I said you were gonna be punished, the first thing you should have done was pulled 'em down." With that she put her hands on the waistband to pull 'em down, but Michelle grabbed on tight.
"Noo! You spanked me so hard on my bare butt last night! It still hurts. Can't you just spank me on my shorts?"
"I don't think so," and Marsha tried pulling the shorts off, but Michelle held on tight. "Let go," she demanded.
"You spanked me too hard last night! At least spank me on just my shorts!"
"Spankings are SUPPOSED to hurt, Michelle. And you're getting a spanking right now whether or not you like it. And if you don't knock it off, I'll spank you until you can't sit down. Now move your hand." Michelle slowly retracted her hand as Marsha rubbed her still-covered ass. "Well, I DID spank you pretty hard last night, maybe I'll just punish you on your panties..." Michelle gulped.
At that, Marsha slipped her thumbs into Michelle's green PJ short shorts and began pushing them down exposing, not panties, but a bare ass that still had a little tint of red. When the shorts were just below Michelle's ass cheeks, Marsha stopped and saw that the ass in her lap was bare. She then checked inside the shorts and saw they were empty.
"...or you're not wearing any. Looks like I'll be punishing you on your bare ass anyway, AND not wearing any underwear gets you extra punishment."
"You walk around not wearing panties like some tramp?"
"I slept commando last night because it hurt so bad! I wasn't planning on leaving the house like this!"
"It's a shame, a young girl like you walking around with no panties on. Now you're gonna get spanked longer and harder." Michelle's heart dropped as Marsha slapped her left ass cheek quite hard.
"OW!" Marsha returned to the green PJ short shorts located right underneath the spankee's ass, and lowered them to around her knees. She then returned to the ass in her lap, white by nature but red by punishment. And right now it was still faintly red, minus the spank it just got. Marsha gave a rub to the bottom.
"It's a little red still... but I'll be much redder when I'm done, trust me."
Michelle held her head down and groaned in fear/distraught as Marsha started the spanking. Unlike last night's spanking, she spanked quite fast - the left cheek would barely be done jiggling before the right cheek was joining it in it's punishment dance. Not as fast as Jane would spank, the mile-a-minute spank style, but pretty fast-paced.
Michelle groaned and sput out "OUCH!" as Marsha went back and forth on Michelle's slight bubble butt, alternating between the cheeks, slowly getting it redder. Minutes passed, and with 2-3 spanks per second, Michelle's ass was starting to glow and sting more than ever. Michelle occasionally kicked her legs as Marsha delivered the non-stop spanking - it hurt.
After a few minutes, Marsha stopped, giving the red, stinging bottom a little rub.
"It's a shame," she began, followed by a hard spank that made Michelle yelp, "that a girl like you, in her 20s for god's sake, is getting a spanking. I'd be embarrassed if I were you." Spank! Michelle answered,
"YOU'RE the one spanking me! I AM embarrassed, but it's a shame that you and Jane like to spank me!"
"You think I WANT to spank you?" Marsha asked, delivering a swat to each cheek that made the spankee scream. "You think I want to spend time that I could be using to do other things to discipline a brat like you? No. I want to be out right now. But I have to be here with you over my knee, bare ass ripe to get spanked."
"Well then stop spanking me! I'm not making you do anything! You say it like I'm MAKING you spank me!"
"You are. By misbehaving. I thought a girl at your age would be polite, do her chores, and at least wear underwear. But no. You're a brat, and you get treated like a brat. And that means a spanking. I don't want to spank you and neither does Jane, but you bring it upon yourself, and right now I've got to do the job. Let's see if I've done it right." With that, Marsha held her hand up to Michelle's red ass, feeling it. "It's red, but I don't feel the heat. Not quite warm. So we're not done." Michelle groaned. "Stand up," was the command.
Michelle stood up as told, standing while covering her crotch. Her short shorts fell to her feet. Marsha stood up and walked into Jane's room, coming back with a hairbrush. Michelle's heart fell to her feet. That little fucker hurt.
"Okay, now how do I want to do this...?" Marsha pondered. For a second she looked around the room as Michelle stood nervously. "Well first, take off your shorts." Michelle hesitantly stepped out of her shorts, leaving her naked from the waist down, and picked them up and handed them to Marsha, who tossed them on the coffee table. "Now bend over and touch the coffee table. And stick your ass out."
Michelle bent over and touched the coffee table, ass out. Marsha stood next to her, resting the brush on her ass.
"Now... I know Jane likes to go by number of spanks. I heard the very first night you moved in, she gave you 1000?"
"That's intense. And on night 1, no less? No surprise you're still getting spanked. Now I don't like to do set numbers of spanks. I like to go by time. I'm thinking we do 10-15 minutes with the brush. Maybe see what happens after." Michelle groaned,
"Complaining? I can always do an hour, hour and a half with the brush?"
"So 10-15 minutes is fine? Because we could always do an hour. I've got nothing planned today."
"Yes it's fine it's fine!"
"Okay. Let's start."
WHACK! Right on the left cheek with the brush. Michelle leaned forward a little.
"Ohh!" WHACK! on the right.
Suddenly, it became an epic spank-a-thon, almost as if Jane was the one holding the brush. Marsha went spank happy, spanking hard and fast on Michelle's poor, red ass. Michelle screamed, yelped, and held on tight as the minutes passed.
Back and forth, over and over, Michelle struggled to maintain her position. However, she couldn't hold the tears anymore - by minute 4, she was crying. But that didn't stop Marsha - she delivered that hairbrush to Michelle's rear end for another 10 minutes, which felt like an eternity.
By the end of the hairbrushing, Michelle was sobbing and her face cheeks were tear-stained. Her butt cheeks? Redder than red, and burning hot. Marsha put the brush down and put her hand up to Michelle's ass and felt the heat coming off.
"Ooohhh... nice and hot. I WAS going to do maybe a half hour with a paddle..." Michelle interjected by letting out a loud sob, "..but I think you've had enough. For now, at least. Now, go do your chores. The list is on the counter. And if they're not done by 5 pm when I get back, consider yourself over my knee for an hour. Understand?"
Michelle stood up, rubbing her ass, and nodded in fright.
"Good," replied Marsha. Marsha put the brush away and was out of the apartment in 10 minutes. Michelle held her burning ass for a few minutes, finishing up crying. That was ridiculous and painful. Michelle wasn't sure how much longer she could take.

5 PM came, and Marsha stepped in the door. The whole apartment was cleaned up and done. She walked in and found Michelle stepping out of her bedroom, showered and dressed in a pink top and blue jean shorts.
"Very nice," Marsha commented. "I see my warming of your ass this morning got the job done."
"..yes..." Michelle answered.
"Come here," was the command. In fright, Michelle walked over, praying this wasn't leading to another spanking. "Drop your shorts."
"I want to inspect my handiwork from this morning." Michelle reluctantly unbuttoned her jean shorts and lowered them a little. Marsha walked behind her and pulled the jean shorts down all the way, exposing red panties. "At least we're wearing underwear now," Marsha commented, as she pulled them down. Michelle's ass was a light tint of red, with no more heat radiating off of it. "Very good."
Michelle pulled her panties and shorts back up.

That night around 9, Jane walked in the door. Michelle and Marsha were watching TV on the couch - Marsha was sitting, Michelle was lying on her stomach.
"I'm back!"
The two got up and walked over to greet her. Michelle couldn't believe she was feeling it, but she was actually HAPPY to see Jane.
"Welcome back!"
"How was it?!"
"It went well. The company is saved and I've been promoted to head of marketing. Quite a success! How was your weekend?" Michelle gulped,
"It was alright." Jane nodded.
"I see." She looked at Marsha. "Any trouble?"
"Not much. I had to spank her twice."
"Twice!? For what?!"
"Well last night she showed up with an unannounced friend and was rude, and this morning she refused to do her chores and wasn't even wearing underwear!"
"Unfortunately. But don't worry, I took care of it. Her bottom was redder than an apple on Christmas Day."
"Thank you, Marsha."
"Anytime. But I've got to get going. Welcome back, and goodnight." She turned to Michelle. "Stay out of trouble. Wear underwear." With that, Marsha took her bag and was out the door. The psycho was gone. Michelle felt relieved.
"TWO spankings? I was gone for a day and a half!"
"I'm sorry, I ju-"
"And you weren't wearing underwear?!"
"I sleep commando!"
"Unacceptable. I want a classy roommate living in the same apartment as me. From now on, you'll receive random underwear checks."
"Are you serious?"
"Very serious. Appropriate clothing is important. And if you don't have underwear on, you know what you'll get, right?" Michelle just felt defeated.
"Good, and for the trouble you put Marsha through, it's the same thing you're going to get right now."
"Wha?" Michelle watched in horror as Jane walked over to the couch and sat down.
"Come here and bare your bottom."

Michelle went to bed with an incredibly sore ass that night. Poor Michelle.
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Re: Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by Chross »


A year and a half passed since we left Michelle and Jane in their apartment. As the year passed, the 23 year old started getting paid for her internship. She and Jane became closer friends. Lucky for her, she hadn't seen Marsha since last time. The spankings she was accustomed to were less frequent - about once every two weeks. Michelle had simply gotten used to them. They still hurt like hell, but she was ever so used to them. Especially since they were never for anything major.

Butttt then this happened...

One night in March, Michelle got to the apartment building at midnight with her friend Amy. Amy had literally no idea about Michelle's spankings. No one did, outside of Michelle, Jane, and Marsha. She preferred it that way.
"Alright, so what's the deal for tomorrow?" Amy asked.
"My roommate's gonna be out of town for the day, so come over and we'll hang."
"You know I don't think I've ever really met your roommate. What's she like?"
" She's older. She's alright I guess."
"Cool. So, 2?"
"Alright, later."
Michelle walked into the lobby and checked the clock - 12:02 AM. Shit! Michelle took out her phone to find it dead. Dammit. She had told Jane she'd be back by 10. No wonder her phone never went off.
She headed upstairs and got into her room. As she quietly closed the door behind her, the lights went on, scaring her a bit. There, sitting on the couch, was Jane, arms folded.
"Hey, my phone died," Michelle said in a somewhat cool tone.
"I noticed. You were two hours late."
"Yeah, my phone died. I didn't g-"
"Bare your bottom."
Michelle just sighed. It was pointless to fight – she was going to get a spanking. But since this was a minor offense, it probably wouldn’t last long or hurt too much. With that sense of very minor relief in her head, Michelle kicked off her shoes and placed them to the side before she walked over to the couch and stood before Jane. She was wearing a skirt, which she removed and dropped on the floor. Michelle had learned from experience that Jane wasn't a fan of just lifting a skirt as it fell down back too easily, aggravating her, and Jane preferred a completely bare ass, so whenever a spanking came in a skirt, Michelle just took it off.
The next step would, normally, be for Michelle to pull her panties down to her knees and to lay across Jane's lap. However, she decided to give a test to something, and she climbed over Jane's knee, praying for the off chance that she might spank on the small pantied barrier instead. But Jane's hands went straight for the waistband to push them down. She stopped a third of the way down the ass.
"Michelle, you should know by now that ALL your spankings are bare bottomed. When I say bare your bottom, you drop your pants AND your underwear." Jane said sternly. "Stand up." Michelle stood up, facing Jane. "Hands on your head," was the next command. Michelle did as she was told. This was normal routine in the case where Jane pulled Michelle's panties down herself, which happened often. In these cases, Jane would usually sit down, have Michelle turn her back to her, and she'd lower her panties for her. These were on the times when, for whatever reason, she got to them before Michelle could pull them down.
“You don’t need to take them off, you just need to lower them... if you can't take them down, I'll take them down for you. You're a grown woman, I shouldn't HAVE to pull your panties down for you."
"You shouldn't HAVE to take them down at all..." Michelle muttered. Jane got an attitude.
"ALL your spankings will be on your bare ass, as they always have been. I do not spank on pants or underwear, you know this. Bare ass is embarrassing and vulnerable, which is perfect for punishment. Which is WHY I spank you. So if I ever give you a 4 hour long spanking, the entire 4 hours WILL be on your bare ass."
"A 4 hour spanking?" Michelle asked, sarcastically.
"I'm making a point. And if I had to spank you for 4 hours, if I felt you deserved it, I'd spank you for 4 hours. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. But, like I said. They will always be on your bare ass. So now your panties come down. And since, for whatever reason a 22 year old woman doesn't understand how to pull her panties down when told, I will pull them down for you from now on."
"It's okay, I got it."
"No. From now on, I'll pull them down for you, like I'm about to now." This was usually the time when Jane would tell Michelle "Turn around," and Jane would lower Michelle's panties from the ass. But this time, Jane took the sides of Michelle's panties and began pulling them down. As the panties got just below Michelle's crotch, she dropped her hands to cover up. Jane stopped, holding the panties.
"Put your hands back on your head! I didn't tell you to take them down. I DID tell you to do that with your panties, but you left them up."
"Yeah, but when you take them down this way usually you're facing my ass. I don't want you to see down there!"
"Michelle, I've seen it before. And I'll probably see it again. Lord knows I've seen your bottom more times than I can count. Hands back up." Michelle sighed and did what she was told. Jane returned to the panties.
"You've probably seen my ass more than my parents ever did," Michelle commented. Jane stopped and looked up at Michelle.
"And I'll see it every time it's necessary to warm it. I will give you a spanking every single time you deserve it. It will always be on your bare ass. If I have to spank you every single day, so be it. Tonight you're getting a spanking for being late. And your attitude is getting you into more and more trouble tonight. Now, legs together," was the next command. This was the next usual command that would follow, as Michelle put her legs together. Jane slid the panties a little bit down the thighs, and let go so they fell all the way down to Michelle's ankles without stopping. When Michelle pulled her panties down, she stopped around the mid-thigh or knee. But when Jane was pulling them down, if there were no pants, they would fall to her ankles. She then pat her lap, which Michelle got back over. Jane took a look at the ass in her lap.
"Your tan lines are gone," Jane commented.
"Well, it IS March," Michelle responded. Jane began rubbing Michelle's ass.
"All white, all white. But I'll be making this all red before the night is through."
Jane began the spanking. Like all of her doled out spankings, it was hard and fast paced, back and forth between the cheeks. The sound of slapped butt cheeks filled the room, as it did on a regular basis. Michelle cringed and moaned, but Jane pressed onward.
"This is what you get for coming home late," Jane said, not breaking the spanking pattern.
"Ow, but it's so late, shouldn't you be in bed? Ouch!" Michelle managed to get out. As much as she was used to getting spanked by this woman, it still hurt a lot.
"Well I'm not going out til 1 pm, and it's only midnight. I've got time," Jane warned, dishing out the spanking. Michelle's butt cheeks jiggled as the mighty hand of Jane struck down upon them repeatedly.
As the minutes passed, Jane kept her pace going. Michelle squeezed the couch and shook as the spanking continued. She squealed and moaned as her ass began to turn a light shade of red. Finally, after around 10 minutes, Jane stopped.
"Now, I initially was just going to give you 1000 with my hand. Which I just did. But your attitude and your failure to take your panties down appropriately annoyed me, so you'll get more. Up." Michelle stood up and began rubbing her ass. Jane slapped her ass again before she stood up, making her squeal. "Don't rub. Rubbing eases the pain. I want you to feel the pain. Do NOT rub."
Jane stood up and went into her bedroom. Michelle stood there, desperately wanting to rub her ass but holding back on the temptation. Jane returned with the wooden hairbrush. Naturally. Jane resumed her position on the couch, and patted her lap, and Michelle got over again.
"Now, I'll give you another 1000 with the brush. Hopefully that corrects your problem for the night." Michelle gulped.
Jane's rapid fire spanking only worsened for Michelle's ass with the firm brush. This made her squeal and shake even more. Jane stuck to her usual pattern of alternating between each cheek per smack.
Michelle shook, and as the minutes passed, tears welled up in her eyes. The brush ALWAYS hurt. After another minute or so she began sobbing,
"I'm sorry! I won't have an attitude! I'll take my panties off! Please!" Jane kept going, no sympathy.
"We'll be done when I feel we're done." The smacks still wailed, as Michelle's cries wailed. It was almost torture to hear the smacks non-stop, feeling their wrath on her ass.
After another few minutes, Jane stopped.
"Well. I think that's good enough for the night. Up." Michelle stood up, and began rubbing her ass as she stopped sobbing. Jane stood up, with another command. "Bend over the couch." Michelle did so without hesitating, sticking her red ass out. Jane examined it.
"Hmm.. nice. It's red all over, but I don't feel the heat. I don't think I've been as hard a spanker lately. That'll have to change. But, you're done for the night. Goodnight." Jane took her hairbrush, went into her bedroom and shut the door.
A wet-cheeked and sore-cheeked Michelle pulled her panties up, picked up her skirt, and went into her room. As ritual, she took her panties off in her room and laid down on her belly on the bed, letting her sore butt cool off. She was grateful that Jane would be gone tomorrow, and that she could enjoy time in the apartment WITHOUT worry of a spanking...

The next morning, Michelle woke up around 10 AM with a somewhat sore ass. She went to her mirror and dropped her shorts and panties, inspecting her bare ass in the mirror. The redness was gone, but remnants of the sting remained. At least Jane was gone for the day and she would be able to heal.
She ate breakfast and showered in peace, and afterwards got dressed in a black T-shirt with The Beatles on it and blue basketball shorts.
At 2 pm, Amy arrived.
"Hey, where's your roommate?" she asked, walking in the door.
"Out of town, she had a business meeting or something," Michelle said, closing the door behind her.
"That's cool. So, whaddaya wanna do?"
"Pizza and a movie?"
"Pizza and a movie. We're like successful girls, except we succeed at sucking. Ha."
"Hey, speak for yourself!"

Michelle and Amy ordered pizza and sat on the couch eating pizza while watching Mean Girls.
"I think this is Tina Fey's best work," Michelle commented with cheese in her mouth.
"No way. 30 Rock is way funnier."
"Yeah, but that's a TV show."
"Alright. But either way it's better than Baby Mama."
"Ohhh yeah."
It was 5:30 PM. As the movie played, the two laughed. Michelle was happy.

Aaand then Jane walked in.

Michelle's heart dropped when she heard the key go into the lock. She quickly jumped up to get rid of the pizza, but it was too late. Jane walked into the apartment.
"Michelle, I'm home, an-" the 50 year old woman stopped when she saw the two 22 year olds on the couch with pizza. Jane slammed the door shut. "And you're eating on the couch... with a guest." Michelle jumped up nervously,
"Uh, yes. We were just, uh,"
"Breaking the rules. Again," Jane cut her off, stepping into the kitchen and putting her bag down and taking her coat off to put it on a chair. Michelle walked in after her.
"I'm sorry!"
"Uh, hi," Amy began standing up. "I'm Amy, and-" Jane turned to Amy.
"And Michelle brought you in here without asking me, violating one of the rules in the contract. No bringing in friends or anyone without getting permission."
"I.. don't understand. Michelle, don't you guys go half on rent?" Michelle gulped.
"Er.. not exactly."
"She told you we split rent? And not that I pay the bigger half?" Michelle's face went red. Unfortunately for her, that wasn't the only thing going red as Jane walked over to the couch and sat down. "Michelle, come here. You know what's coming." Michelle got terrified. She walked over to Jane in a hurry.
"Not now! Not with her here, please!"
"Yes, right now. I don't care that she's here," Jane said, already having her hands on Michelle's shorts.
"Come on! Not now! Please!" Michelle frantically begged. Amy walked over.
"What's not now?"
"Oh, you don't know about Michelle's punishments?"
"..n-no?" Michelle felt like her world was about to end. She was red in the face and felt like she was going to fall over.
"Well, I'll show you. If Michelle lied to you about rent, she may have lied to you about what happens when she breaks the rules."
"Breaks the rules? What? Does she get a time out or something? Haha."
"Michelle, bare your bottom." Amy didn't think she heard that correctly.
"Uh, what?"
Michelle, almost on the verge of tears of crying out of embarrassment, put her hands on shorts waistband and pulled them down to her knees.
"Uh, Michelle, what's happening?"
Michelle, almost ignoring Amy, slowly took her purple panties with stars on them and pulled them down too, letting them fall into her shorts.
"Okay, what the fuck?"
Michelle then climbed over Jane's lap. Jane rubbed the ass in her lap.
"In case she didn't tell you, whenever Michelle breaks a rule, she gets a spanking." Michelle felt like she was going to die of embarrassment. Amy had never seen her bare ass before - but now she was seeing it over the lap of a roommate!
"A spanking? Is this some kind of weird sex thing?"
"Not at all. Say, Amy. I'm thinking of a number. It's 4 digits. Can you guess it?"
"5000 spanks it is, then," Jane said. She then began the usual hard hitting back and forth. Michelle's ass cheeks jiggled as Jane began the epic spanking. Amy's eyes went wide as Michelle started kicking her legs and whimpering out of pain.
"What the fuck is happening here?! Michelle, you LET her do this to you?!" Jane, not stopping spanking or looking at Michelle's ass, answered,
"Michelle signed a contract. I pay the bigger half of the rent, and I have a set of strict rules to follow to keep the apartment nice and livable in. When Michelle breaks a rule, she gets a bare. bottom. spanking." Amy almost seemed mesmerized by the spanking she was watching.
"I don't know how to feel about this...does this happen often?" Michelle couldn't answer. She felt the lump in her throat - she knew if she started to speak, she would start crying of embarrassment and pain. Jane, however, never broke the spanking, and answered,
"It happens every few days. Michelle finds herself over my knee with her bare ass getting a proper spanking punishment. Hopefully, Michelle will learn to follow the rules so this becomes unnecessary. But until that day, I will keep. giving. her. spankings."
Jane's red hand prints begin to appear prominently on Michelle's white, punished butt. As the minutes went on, Michelle moaned and eventually started crying. She kicked her legs but Jane kept on spanking. Amy sat there awkwardly, still trying to process the scene in front of her: her best friend being spanked like a child by her roommate on her bare ass. It was unsettling for her. 10-15 minutes passed of non stop spanking before Amy finally spoke.
"I just. I don't have the words. You're REALLY hitting her bare ass and leaving marks."
"And you're gonna spank her 5000 times?!"
"Yep. We're on spank 2646, 2647, 2648.."
"This is some fucked up shit. I'm pretty sure this is abuse."
"Nope. Not abuse. It's a spanking. Perfectly legal."
"But you're hurting her!"
"I'm supposed to. That's what a spanking is. It's punishment."
"This is some weird shit. Michelle, I can't believe you never told me that you live with someone who does.. THIS to you!" Michelle just sobbed in reply. Jane actually stopped spanking.
"You know, if you keep talking, I MAY lose count, and would have to start ALL over again from 1," she said. Michelle shook in fear. Jane resumed spanking. "2750, 2751.." Amy stood up.
"This is crazy. I'm leaving."
"No no, please. This is excellent punishment for Michelle. Extra humiliation. Stay and watch the rest of her spanking," Jane replied, not stopping.
"No. Fuck this. I'm telling someone about this, this isn't right." Jane stopped spanking again, annoyed.
"You know. I'm spanking Michelle to 5000, and you will stay here and watch as part of her punishment. If you leave, I WILL start her spanking over again and go to 10,000. So, unless Michelle wants you to leave..." Michelle shook her tear-soaked head furiously towards Amy.
Caught in a bad situation, Amy just shrugged and sat down. Jane resumed the spanking.
After another 15 minutes, Jane stopped again. She shook her hand a bit - her hand was sore. Michelle's ass was deep red all over. She had stopped crying but had just been moaning in pain and embarrassment. Her ass was burning. Amy was still feeling upset and uncomfortable about the goings-on.
"We're at 4500 spanks. 500 more to go. My hand is all sore though. Michelle, stand up." Michelle did as she was told. As Jane was about to walk away, she turned to Michelle, "Do not rub your ass." Jane walked off to her room, leaving Michelle and Amy alone for the first time since Jane came home. Amy stared at her, speechless, arms folded. Michelle didn't say anything or even look at her friend. Jane returned from her bedroom with the hairbrush. She sat back on the couch, patting her lap. Michelle climbed back over.
"What're you gonna do now? Brush her hair?"
"No. Spank her with it." Jane resumed spanking Michelle's ass with the brush. Michelle yelped and winced as the brush came down on her already burning behind. She gripped the couch cushion and shook her legs as Jane brought down the blows of the wooden devil on to Michelle's posterior. 10 minutes later, the job was finished.
"4999, 5000. Good thing Amy didn't say 9999, or we'd only be halfway there," Jane said. Michelle was crying, her ass in flames. "Stand up," Jane demanded. Michelle did as she was told. "Your spanking is over. Goodnight, Michelle. Goodnight, Amy." Jane returned to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.
Michelle stood there, shorts and panties around her ankles, head in her hands, crying. Amy broke the silence after a minute or so.
"You okay?" Michelle turned to her.
"No. I'm not okay."
"Jeez, let me see." Michelle turned her ass to Amy. Amy got a close look- a dark red. She felt the heat coming off the ass cheek. "Jesus, she burned you up."
"This happens every few days..." Michelle said, sniffling.
"She beats your ass to this level every few days?!"
"No...not always this bad. This was the worst spanking I've ever gotten. 5000. Thanks."
"Hey, I didn't know!"
"She had me over her lap with my ass out!"
"I still didn't know! Don't get bitchy with me! I stayed so you wouldn't get an additional 10,000 spanks!"
"Ughhh. I know. I'm sorry."
"So. You wanna pull up your pants now?"
"Actually. Could you do me a favor? Run to CVS and buy me some cream to put on my ass to dull the pain?"
"You don't have that already?"
"No..I never thought about it until just before when she was spanking me with the brush."
"That's insane."
"Sometimes..she uses a paddle."
"Fucking shit. Alright, I'll go get you the cream." Amy hugged Michelle.
"And just do me a favor. Please. Don't tell ANYONE about this. No one knows except Jane, me, and now you. PLEASE. I don't want anyone to know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but... c'mon."
"No, I understand. I'll be back soon."
Amy left and came back 20 minutes later with healing cream. Michelle laid down on the couch and Amy gently massaged the red ass with it for a good 10 minutes. Once the cream was massaged in, Amy said goodnight and left.

It was 9pm. Michelle was in her room, laying on her bed while browsing Facebook on her phone. She was in just a shirt. Her ass was still a shade of dark red, but the cream had taken the sting out of it just a little.
Jane was in her room, on her phone, talking to Marsha.
"Yes. I just gave her the hardest spanking ever. Although, a friend gave me the number 5000 to use. But it was her hardest spanking yet."
"You're STILL spanking her? She's been living there almost two years now! She's still breaking the rules?"
"Unfortunately yes. It's not as bad as it used to be, such as the days when I was spanking her every night for a week straight. It's not THAT bad anymore. But still. Every 2-3 days I have to spank her."
"That's insane."
"And tiring. I have things to do. I can't be up all night spanking her every single night."
"If you want, I can move in and handle that. Or take an apartment in the same building. I'll spank her whenever she's out of line. And trust me, she'll never be out of line again."
"Oh, no. I don't want to put you through that trouble. It's just exhausting that every other day I find myself having to punish her. Last night she didn't even pull her panties down when I told her to bare her bottom. She got over my knee with them on! I had to take them down for her!"
"After all this time, YOU had to take her panties down? That's ridiculous. I would make her get completely naked if she did that to me."
"That might be a little much."
"Try it."
"Well, I told her from now on, I'D be taking her panties down for her."
"You shouldn't have to. She's in her early 20s. From the moment you tell her "Bare your bottom," her pants and underwear should be down at her ankles and she should be over your knee or bending over or whatever the case may be. You should take her panties down for a bit, and then test it. If she doesn't take them down when instructed or if she ever gets over your knee with them on, you undress her completely and spank her nude. That'll teach her."
"I'll keep that in mind. It's just frustrating that after every time she steps out of line I punish her, and still she breaks the rules."
"Well. Maybe the punishments aren't enough."
"How so? I spank her to tears often."
"Do you have a cane?"
"Yes. But I don't use it. I never have. That's for extreme cases."
"Maybe you should cane her more often then. It could help."
"I see."
"Plus. It's likely that she's someone that has to be shown not to get out of line, instead of being reprimanded for getting out of line."
"How do you mean?"
"She breaks a rule, you give her a spanking as punishment. But days later she's breaking another rule. It's likely that the punishment isn't sticking. So you might need a little more than that to ensure that she follows the rules and knows what's coming."
"She already knows what's coming."
" you remember what I did to you?"
"There we go."

At 10 pm, Michelle's door opened and in stepped Jane. Michelle was still on her stomach, ass out. It wasn't as red as it was but it still glowed red. The stinging had gone down but was still prevalent.
"I'm glad you're still up. There was something I wanted to discuss with you," Jane said. She then noticed the cream on the dresser. "What's that?" she asked.
"That's healing lotion. I put it on my ass to... alleviate the pain." Jane walked over and read the label before taking it hold.
"Do not use this."
"What?! Why?!"
"Why do I spank you, Michelle?" Michelle rolled her eyes.
"For punishment."
"And punishment not only means that I'm going to make your spankings hurt, but that you must endure the full pain. So the same way I tell you not to rub, I'm going to tell you NOT to use this ever again. I'll be throwing it out. And if I catch you with it again..."
"C'mon Jane."
"No. As part of the punishment for breaking rules, you are to endure the full pain without any relief. Is that understood?"
"Ugh. Fine. Yes."
"Michelle, unless you want another 1000 on your already hurting behind, I'd cut the attitude."
"Fine! I'm sorry. Really."
"Good. Now. I came in here to discuss something with you."
"What's that?"
"Every time you break a rule that I've set, I give you a spanking. And yet, rules continue to be broken."
"I'm sorry, it's ju-"
"No no. Let me speak, please. You made a crack last night that I've seen your bare bottom more than your parents have. And it's true. I constantly am punishing your bare bottom. After almost 2 years, you'd think I wouldn't. But I am. I didn't know what to do. So I spoke to Marsha." Michelle shuddered at the name. She felt scared. Just the name alone was terrifying.
"Yes. Don't you remember her? My friend who-"
"Yes. I remember her."
"Good. I explained my dilemma to her. How I spank you for punishment but rules still break. She and I agree that maybe the punishment spankings aren't enough for you to keep you in line. Marsha suggested moving into the apartment to be closer to me and to take over punishing duties. She'd be the one spanking you whenever you got out of line." Michelle's eyes went wide. She felt her heart beat in her chest. This couldn't be happening. Anything but Marsha.
"No... PLEASE."
"Calm down. That's not happening. Not yet, at least." Michelle gulped. "What was decided is that, maybe if you're feeling the punishment BEFORE you break a rule, maybe you WON'T be breaking rules anymore."
"I..I don't understand."
"Well. Starting tomorrow, you're going to be getting daily spankings from me."
"..daily spankings? Are you serious?"
"Yes. Obviously punishment spankings aren't enough. So from now on, every morning, I'm going to give you a spanking."
"Every single morning?! Please. No. C'mon! I won't break any more rules!"
"Michelle, I've heard that countless times since you've moved in, and here we are now and your ass is as red as a firetruck. Obviously it's not enough. So from now on, you're going to get daily spankings every single morning." Michelle couldn't believe what she was hearing. This was a nightmare.
"So... every single morning?"
"Yes. I'll have the schedule made up. But every morning I will give you a spanking. Hopefully that deters you from breaking a rule, with your bottom properly punished first thing in the morning. Hopefully you carry it throughout the day to remind you of what happens when a rule is broken."
"So if you spank me in the morning, that means no more punishment spankings?"
"Absolutely not. You will get daily spankings, and if you break a rule, of course you will STILL be spanked. If it means you getting two spankings a day, so be it." Michelle gulped. She knew she had to somehow win in this situation.
"So the daily spankings won't have to be so hard since I'm not TECHNICALLY being punished.. right?"
"Not at all. They have to serve as punishment spankings. So, in that case. I guess the daily spankings will be like the spankings you get now. And the punishment spankings will be much harder than they usually are."
"C'mon, Jane. Please. This is getting insane!"
"No. I've made up my mind. This will start tomorrow morning. What time do you have your internship?"
"I'm off tomorrow," Michelle said, realizing immediately how fucked she was now.
"Excellent. As am I. 9 am tomorrow, out in the living room area. Your first daily spanking. Now, I know I usually go by implement and number of spanks, adjusting by how bad your punishment should be based on what rule was broken or what you did wrong. But since daily spankings are not so much punishment for something specific as much as they are maintenance spankings to keep you from getting into trouble, I'm going to borrow Marsha's method of going by time. So your daily morning spankings will be one hour every morning."
"An hour?! You can't spank me that long!!"
"I can, and I will."
"But you've never spanked me that long!"
"Because your punishment never called for time-oriented punishment as much as it did an amount to spank and how hard to spank. But as these are maintenance spankings meant to keep you in line and stop you from breaking any rules, it makes sense to go by time. And an hour seems perfect."
"C'mon, Jane, you can't, an-"
"I can, and I will. Unless you're going to move out right now?" Michelle kept quiet. She KNEW that wasn't an option. "That's what I thought. So 9 AM, tomorrow morning. Be out in the living room for your first hour-long daily spanking. Goodnight." Jane walked out and shut the door behind her.
Terrified of what lay ahead, Michelle put her face in her pillow and cried herself and her burning ass to sleep, a brief escape from this living fucking nightmare.
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Re: Repost - Story: Roommate from Hell

Post by Chross »

The story so far...

When we last left Michelle, our 23-year-old heroine was crying on her bed in agonizing pain, holding her toasted red ass. She'd been given a wallop of a spanking from Jane, her mid-50s roommate of a year and change. Michelle moved to town for a journalism job and found the cheapest apartment to co-rent to be Jane's, a stern woman who believes in law and order - and any violation of laws deserves a bare bottomed spanking. Not paying attention to the legal contract she was signing, Michelle inadvertandly found herself agreeing to be spanked at Jane's discretion - and boy did she get a lot of spankings (Michelle had commented in the last story that Jane has seen her bare behind more than her parents or any boy she dated ever did.) Michelle tried to avoid getting spanked, but due to Jane's strictness, the tight rules in place, and Michelle's general bad luck, found herself over Jane's knee over and over for the first year she was there. It sucked, but it was a cheap and nice place to live. After a while, the spankings slowed down - until the previous chapter, where Michelle got spanked twice in two days (and the second one was a doozy!).
Jane had just gotten off the phone with her mid-40s friend Marsha, a tough as nails spanker who'd had Michelle over her knee for two unforgettable and merciless spankings. Jane called Marsha, at her wits end that after a year or so she still had to spank her young roommate for constantly violating the terms of the apartment contract - Marsha suggested that Michelle never learns because she always gets punished <I><s></s>after<e></e></I> she breaks a rule and forgets about it, as opposed to being given a friendly reminder as to what awaits when a rule is broken. As such, Jane told Michelle that starting the next morning, she will be given daily spankings every morning for a full hour. Michelle protested, but to no avail. And when Jane promised a spanking, Michelle got it...

IX Daily Spankings

Michelle awoke the next morning to her phone alarm going off, signaling that, unfortunately in this case, it was time to get up. She checked her phone - 8:30AM. A half hour before judgment day was to begin. She'd gotten a full night's sleep but felt a terrible feeling in her chest like she didn't get enough sleep. It felt like waking up after a night of intense drinking and not knowing where you were, what happened, or how you got that tattoo. It was like waking up after finding out just before bed that a close relative or friend has passed away - and when waking up, expecting it to not be true, but knowing all too well that it is.
It was day 1 of her daily spankings.
An hour.
Every morning.
Bare ass.
Michelle laid in bed and shut her eyes. Pondering this, she realized that if she fell asleep and missed her first daily spanking, Jane would be furious and make the experience way worse than it was going to be. Michelle took her phone and scrolled through Facebook for a few minutes. By 8:45 she got up, still in her black Beatles T-shirt from the day before. She bent down to pick up her panties - purple with stars on them - from the day before - she'd slept naked from the waist down, a common habit she'd needed to form living in Jane's apartment. She had an inner debate with herself on whether or not to put them on, considering they'd be down again in just a few minutes. Figuring she'd rather not walk around the apartment bottomless, she slipped her panties on, along with her blue basketball shorts.
Slowly she crept out of her bedroom. Maybe Jane was still sleeping and she could avoid this. Hopefully Jane thought it over and decided against daily spankings. Maybe she had to leave early for work. But nope - Michelle peeked her head around the corner and saw Jane, showered and dressed, sitting on the couch, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Shit. On the coffee table sat a mug, as well as the little wooden hairbrush. Shit shit. Michelle slowly wandered to the bathroom, trying to keep the noise down. As she turned the door handle to the closed bathroom, Jane, not looking up from the paper, called out,
"9AM. I hope you didn't forget." Fuck. No way out. Michelle went to the bathroom and took care of business. After washing and drying her hands, Michelle wandered out into the living room and looked at the TV clock - 8:55. Jane took a sip from her coffee mug and placed it down on the coffee table.
"Good morning. I hope you're ready."
"Yes," came the mumbled reply.
"Good. Well we may as well start now. Come here, Michelle." Michelle wandered over and stood in front of Jane. "Hands on your head." Michelle did as she was told. Jane took the sides of Michelle's shorts and yanked them down side by side just a bit until they were below the butt. "Legs together." Michelle put her legs together and let go of the shorts, letting them fall down to her ankles. Jane then reached forward and took the sides of Michelle's panties and began lowering them. Michelle closed her eyes in embarrassment as she felt the cold, bony fingers against her thighs as they slid down, taking her underwear down. Jane took down Michelle's panties down to around her knees and let them sit there. Jane looked up at Michelle.
"I know you hate that I take them down like that."
"I do," Michelle said miserably, taking her hands off her head to cover her vagina. Jane smacked her left hand.
"Hands back on your head." Michelle did as she was told, grimacing as she left her whole vagina exposed to Jane. "I know you want to keep a little bit of dignity. It's bad enough for you that I see your bottom on a consistent basis, the last thing you want me is to see your groin."
"So going forward, you will lower your pants or shorts yourself before getting over my knee. I will take your panties down from there. But if I have to actually punish you, I will take them down this way every time. Understood?"
"Now, I know I told you your daily spankings will be an hour each. In reflection, this seems like it might be a bit unfair."
"I agree."
"An hour IS a long time. I might not have the energy first thing every morning to spank you for a full hour, especially if you need a spanking later in the day. So I've decided that your daily spankings will be a half hour each morning."
"And it may not even be every day. If you behave yourself, it may only be a few times a week."
"That's good."
"But if I feel like you deserve the full hour, or longer, or that you need it every single day, I will not hesitate to deliver. Are we completely clear?"
"Yes, Jane."
"And I will rewrite the apartment contract later today to include daily spankings."
"Now, I'm sure you want to get this over with. So climb over my lap." Michelle lowered her hands from her head and climbed over Jane's lap, shorts around her ankles and panties around her knees. She laid stretched across the couch, her ass hanging off of Jane's lap. Jane rubbed Michelle's chubby butt cheeks and gave the left cheek a pat. "A half hour. Let's begin."
And as the clock struck 9, Jane struck Michelle with a mighty SLAP! Jane gave Michelle's left cheek a good slap. Michelle yelped. No matter how many times she got spanked, the first spank ALWAYS stung like it was the first time. Jane then gave Michelle's right cheek a good slap. Michelle dug her face into a pillow. Jane kept a steady pace back and forth between the cheeks, giving each one hard smack before moving to the next one. Whereas Jane normally spanked a mile a minute with no break, this morning she went considerably slower. Normally the sound of one cheek being slapped hadn't finished before the next cheek was getting a slap, but today Jane was waiting until the jiggle of a slapped butt cheek finished before moving on. It was slow, but it still hurt.
Michelle grinded her teeth and dug her face further into the pillow, holding it to her face with both hands. Jane remained in the cool position of spanking.
The familiar sounds of an aged but firm, hard hand slapping a jiggly ass cheek filled the room, a noise as common to that living room as the sound of the New York Mets losing a baseball game is common to any major league baseball field in America. After a few minutes, Jane picked up the pace. Not terribly fast, but she was alternating between cheeks a little faster. Michelle began kicking her legs and groaning as the spanking worsened. She could feel her bottom get redder and redder and warmer and warmer as Jane continued.
"Hush, Michelle," came Jane's no-nonsense command as she didn't even break away from the ass in her lap - normally white by nature but growing redder and redder by punishment.
As Jane went on, Michelle slowly started to tear. This had to have been going on for at least 20 minutes. Almost over. She dug her head out from the pillow and looked at the clock - 9:04AM. 4 minutes. Michelle moaned and dug her face back in the pillow. She fought the urge to fling her hand back to protect her battered butt as Jane continued on.
After an eternity passed, Jane finally stopped. Michelle, top cheeks stained with tears and bottom cheeks stained with hand prints, looked up at the clock. 9:15AM. Only halfway there. Jane, holding Michelle on her lap with her left hand, reached forward to the coffee table and grabbed the wooden hairbrush with her right. Michelle saw and shuddered.
"Please, don't. Not that PLEASE!" Jane pat the hairbrush on Michelle's right butt cheek on a spot that was still a little white.
"Yes, the remainder of your spanking is going to be with just the hairbrush."
"PLEASE! It's only a maintenance spanking."
"It IS only a maintenance spanking, and that's why you're only getting it for half the session. If this was a real spanking you'd get it longer. And consider the worse implements I can and WILL use if necessary." Michelle let out an exasperated cry and dug her face in the pillow as Jane lifted the hairbrush over the right butt cheek, and SMACK! brought it down. Michelle let out a cry. As painful as ever. Jane brought the hairbrush to the left cheek and SMACK! Michelle did her best to hold her cries in as Jane brought down the hair brush over and over again on Michelle's butt cheeks, hitting any spots that weren't already red and hot. After a while, she stopped. Finally. Over. Michelle looked up - 9:20AM.
"10 minutes left. I'd say this works better than an hour, don't you?" Michelle didn't answer. Jane waited a few seconds and smacked Michelle's ass with the brush hard. Michelle screamed. "Don't you?"
"I don't exert myself and I can fit in more punishment in less amount of time, and still drive the point home, don't I?"
"Now. I'm going to do 5 minutes on just one cheek, and the final 5 minutes on just the other. This is going to hurt more than my normal back and forth. Fair warning." Before Michelle could even process this "fair" warning, Jane took to Michelle's left butt cheek with the brush. Over and over she went, focusing on the same spots for a few seconds before moving on. She was like a machine. Michelle clenched her eyes shut and tried to avoid screaming as Jane went hard on just the left cheek. For the final 2 minutes of the left cheek, she kept hitting the same spot over and over, right near the lower half of the cheek. 9:25 came, and Jane moved to the right cheek.
The right cheek assault was just as furious as the left. Michelle winced and moaned as Jane bounced around the cheek, coloring in any missed spot. From 9:28-9:30, Jane picked a similar spot on the lower half of her butt cheek and did a nice attack. Finally, as the clock struck 9:30AM, Jane gave Michelle's right cheek a final SMACK! and put the brush down. Michelle was sobbing a bit. Her ass was so incredibly sore. Her third spanking in a little over 24 hours. Jane examined her handiwork - the innocent, adorable butt in her lap was a nice shade of well-punished-red from just below the waist to the sit spots and everywhere in-between.
"There. Stand up." Michelle pushed herself up and wiped her tears from her eyes. As she stood up, her panties fell down into her shorts around her ankles. She bent down to pick them up, but Jane commanded "Hands on your head." Michelle quickly did as she was told, forgetting her clothes down around her ankles and leaving her naked lower self open for full view. "Turn around." Michelle did as she was told, turning her ass towards Jane. Jane put the back of her left hand up to Michelle's ass. "Nice and hot. That was a good spanking."
"I guess."
"Now. I know I said it might not be every day. But for the next week or so, it will be, and depending how good you are, we'll take it from there. So make sure your mornings are clear and you're up early enough. Understood?"
"Yes, Jane."
"And remember that this is only a maintenance spanking to give you a sore bottom first thing in the morning to carry with you for the rest of the day so you don't break any rules. Because if you do, that spanking I just gave you will be a walk in the park compared to the punishment you'll get. This is a daily warning of what's to come if you misbehave. Understood?"
"Good. Now, your spanking is over. You can pull your underwear back up. That'll be it for the day, hopefully, and we'll be back at it again bright and early 9AM for another one." Michelle sighed, her heart heavy, as she bent down and picked up her pants and panties and went back to her room to lay down.
After an hour or so, Michelle showered - using mostly cold water -, changed, and went to the mall to pick up a few things while Jane worked on her laptop in her bedroom.
Michelle came in at 9PM and found Jane sitting at the couch. Michelle went wide-eyed. She didn't miss curfew, did she?? She pulled out her phone and it was on with no missed calls or texts. Was she about to get a spanking?? For what?!
"Come here, Michelle." Michelle put her bags down on the table, took her shoes off, and went over to Jane. Before Jane could say anything, Michelle unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down to her knees before shoving her panties down as well. She laid over Jane's lap, bare ass in the air. Jane rubbed Michelle's butt. "Nice performance, but unnecessary. Unless you did something to deserve this?"
"Wait, no. I didn-"
"Is this an admission of guilt?"
"No, I thought you wanted to spank me."
"No, you're safe tonight. I see your bottom is nicely healed, though," Jane put her hands on Michelle's bare butt. All white, and the heat is gone. "You can get up."
"Sorry," Michelle said embarrassed, getting up and pulling her pants and panties back up."
"Nothing I haven't seen 1000 times before, and won't see again tomorrow morning. Speaking of," Jane pointed to a document on the coffee table. "The same contract as before, but turn to page 3 for the change. I've decided to flesh out our punishment agreement." Michelle picked up the document and turned to page 3. All the way at the bottom, in-between "You need to let me know ahead if people are coming over." and "No smoking in the apartment." was the fleshed out rule: "If you misbehave or break any of the rules, you are subject to punishment by me, which will ALWAYS be a bare-bottom spanking. Spankings will be administered any time day or night 7 days a week at any given location for any possible offense. There is no minimum or maximum time of spank-limit for a spanking. Duration and intensity of spankings will depend on the offense and are subject to change at Jane's discretion for any reason. Spankings are non-negotiable, and failure to cooperate will result in immediate expulsion from the apartment with no reentry. Spankings will be administered primarily by Jane or anyone else Jane deems necessary. Anyone acting as head of the apartment as assigned by Jane has 100% authority to give Michelle a spanking in any way they deem fit at any point at any given location for any possible offense. Spankings from anyone other than Jane are non-negotiable. Failure to cooperate will result in a spanking from Jane and possible expulsion from the apartment. Daily spankings will also be administered, first thing in the morning on any given morning for a pre-determined amount of time (a half hour at minimum, 3 hours at most.) Michelle may be spanked by any number of implements including but not limited to: hand, hair brush, paddle, strap, slipper, belt, and cane. Michelle is required to bare her bottom before any spanking - failure to do so will result in a harder spanking than necessary."
Michelle read it over and over in silence and horror. After a minute or two of silence, she spoke
"ANYONE can spank me?"
"Anyone I deem fit, or is in authority over the apartment."
"In case I'm not present. Marsha, for example." That name struck a chord of fear in Michelle's heart.
"Not her again. Please don't send her back. Please! I'll do anything."
"Relax, Michelle. I don't see any reason for me not to be the one spanking you for the foreseeable future. This is just to make sure all loose ends are covered just in case."
"Finish reading through what you need to read through and sign on page 4." Michelle reread it over and over. Anyone could spank her. No time limits on punishments. Daily spankings could go THREE HOURS. She could be spanked with multiple things for any reason at any time by any one! Sucking it up for the greater good, Michelle turned to page 4 and hesitated for a moment before signing her name and handing the contract back to Jane.
"Splendid. We're all set up for the future. Now, goodnight, and don't forget, 9AM tomorrow."
"I have work tomorrow, I need to be at the paper by 9."
"7:30AM then!"

The next morning, Michelle woke up at 7 and got spanked over Jane's lap for a half hour with her hand for the whole time.

The next morning, Michelle woke up at 8 and got spanked for 15 minutes over Jane's lap with her hand and 15 minutes bent over the couch with the belt.

The next morning, Michelle woke up at 7:30 and spent a half hour over the couch getting paddled.

And so on, and so on. Every morning found Michelle getting a hard spanking from Jane for a full half hour by some implement or variety, always over her knee or bent over. Every morning her cheeks were made a nice rosy red and a nice burning sensation. Almost every morning she cried. Some days she took it better than others and took the whole thing like a champ. Others she bawled the whole way through. But every morning was just as embarrassing as the morning before, every spanking hurt just as bad as the one before.

Michelle was familiar with the pain, but it never got easier and never stopped being embarrassing - if anything, with time, it only got worse.

The important thing, though, was that she was no longer getting punishment spankings. She was following Jane's rules to a T and only getting the morning maintenance spankings. 3 weeks passed, and she was lucky enough to only be getting maintenance spankings and only from Jane.

But of course, 3 weeks is a long time, and Michelle's luck was JUST about to run out...
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